Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club

Quarter 4—Italian Harvest

Straight from the Heart and Soul of Italy, Highly Coveted Artisanal Extra Virgin Olive Oils Rushed to You at Their Height of Flavor and Freshness

T.J. Robinson The Olive Oil Hunter
  • Each of these exclusive olive oils perfectly embodies the flavor characteristics of its region and was meticulously crafted from cultivars nurtured on award-winning family farms.
  • The best of the best has been secured just for you, as the world experiences an EVOO shortage never before seen.
  • All three oils have been certified by an independent lab to be 100 percent extra virgin olive oil, brimming with healthful and zesty polyphenols to wow your palate.

Landing in Rome, the Eternal City and my launching pad when hunting for fresh-pressed olive oils in Italy, is something I look forward to every year—visits to historic villages, reuniting with producers who have become friends, and, of course, the food. But I embarked on this journey with some trepidation.

As longstanding Club members know, my search for the world’s greatest extra virgin olive oil is largely influenced by Mother Nature. She determines so many aspects of olive cultivation, right down to harvest dates. But when the consequences of her handiwork make the front page of the New York Times with the headline “Why Olive Oil Is So Expensive Right Now,” well, you can imagine how serious the situation was. Less available fruit, lower yield, higher prices. Every last drop was in high demand, and I knew this quarter that I was going to rely heavily on the relationships I’ve nurtured for nearly two decades. I also knew that nothing would stop me from coming home with the very finest liquid gold for you!

A Year Unlike Any Other

Concerns had been swirling since late spring. To quote master miller, olive whisperer, and perma-member of my Merry Band of Tasters, Duccio Morozzo della Rocca, “There has never been a year as complicated as this one and with as little extra virgin olive oil throughout the entire Mediterranean area—the last few months were unlike any pattern the olive trees were used to.”

The typical growing season goes like this: spring rains lead to olive blossoms emerging in May and June, hot weather through August encourages growth, some rain in September nurtures the trees, and the temperatures cool in October. This year, the spring rains lasted well into June, with heavy downpours knocking many blossoms off the trees—no flowers, no olives. For those growers who did have some olives, the second shoe to drop was the streak of summer-like temperatures lasting well into November. You can’t make flavorful olive oil when the weather and the olives themselves are hot. That’s why recent innovations at top mills have been focused on chilling—cooling down each step of the process to preserve the aromas and flavors when the olives are pressed.

Duccio Morozzo della Rocca and T. J. Robinson in olive grove in Umbria, Italy
As Duccio and I toured groves in Umbria, we talked about Mother Nature’s double whammy of heavy rains followed by prolonged heat. This meant that inferior olive oils were coming to market: many mass producers decided to squeeze out as much as they could, sacrificing quality for quantity to reap profits and selling inferior oils at prices that rivaled those of the best EVOO. Instead of paying up, locals were trying to track down even the most distant relative who might have oil from private groves to share. 

The Fruits of Strong Relationships

The heightened urgency of the hunt set the cadence of our trip—after just one night in Rome, we hit the ground running. Duccio and I had already been in touch with the country’s most highly skilled, award-winning producers. It was heartbreaking to hear how many simply had no oil available, but then a relief to learn that a few had successful harvests because their groves stretched across many microclimates, yielding great fruit and great oil.

As always, though, the proof is in the pudding—would these oils be of the exceptional quality I insist on and you expect? After our rounds of tastings, I’m happy to answer with an emphatic “Yes!” Each one is deliciously unique, and together they represent three very important and distinct olive growing regions of Italy. And our producers were thrilled to know that their precious oil would be enjoyed by people who truly appreciate it—you, my dear Club members.

Claudio Di Mercurio, Luciano Di Giovacchino and T. J. Robinson
Claudio Di Mercurio (center) and I were enthralled as we talked with olive oil scientist Luciano Di Giovacchino. Luciano has authored dozens of research papers on every aspect of making olive oil and speaks around the world on the topic. Discussing the fine points of milling and how it has evolved over the centuries from crushing the olives with stone to using metal blades was fascinating (yes, I’m an admitted Olea europaea nerd!).

Making Memorable Oils and New Memories

As my apprehensions faded away, my excitement and joy over being back in Italy swelled with every stop we made. What a pleasure to once again spend time around the table with my producer families, catching up on their news and sharing amazing food—platters of salumi, bowls of fresh pasta, and fabulous meats and seafood, all of it enhanced by just-pressed olive oil.

My Merry Band of Tasters and I first traveled to Penne in Abruzzo, to Frantoio Mercurius, the family operation of my good friend Claudio Di Mercurio. I was happy to congratulate him in person for his recent silver star win at the famed Sol d’Oro competition! Claudio’s dedication to the land and meticulous care of his olive trees has made him a formidable match for Mother Nature. His Dritta varietal, the most consistent grower, is the star of this trio’s bold oil.

Many locals come to Claudio’s frantoio, or mill, with their own olives to press, perhaps none more respected than Luciano Di Giovacchino, one of Italy’s pioneering olive oil scientists. It says a lot that this esteemed expert chooses Claudio’s frantoio to press his own olives, and, although the Mercurius mill is extremely modern, the convivial atmosphere of bringing one’s homegrown olives to a community mill is a centuries-old part of the social fabric of this town as it is in so many others.

Stefano and Andrea Brunetti with T. J. Robinson in an Ape
It’s very exciting for me to work with talented brothers Stefano and Andrea Brunetti and share their oil with you—they’re honored to know it will be enjoyed by those who really appreciate it. I couldn’t resist snapping a pic with their little Ape vehicle on the farm.

Then it was on to the historic town of Trevi, in Umbria, the heart of Italy, to work with the Brunetti family. I’m elated to introduce to the Club not only this amazing producer but also to a wonderful indigenous varietal called San Felice, a highlight of this quarter’s mild oil.

From there it was off to Sicily to reunite with Salvatore Cutrera. He says that each harvest is always a nail biter until the olives are pressed and the beautiful fresh green perfume of extra virgin olive oil fills the air in the mill. This quarter’s medium selection is made with the exquisite Nocellara del Belice, a cultivar from the Valle del Belice area, and it brought only smiles to both our faces.

I invite you to read more about each of these amazing producers and then indulge in the Pressing Report recipes to share with friends and family—you’ll be transported to Italy with every bite.

Happy drizzling!

T. J. Robinson 
The Olive Oil Hunter®

This Quarter’s First Selection

  • Producer: Famiglia Brunetti, Trevi, Umbria, Italy 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Moraiolo, San Felice, Frantoio, Leccino
  • Flavor Profile: Mild

The excitement was palpable when my Merry Band of Tasters and I departed Abruzzo in Duccio’s car. Our destination? A new producer, the Brunetti family, in the picturesque Umbrian hill town of Trevi, home of an olive tree estimated to be 1,700 years old. It was a two-hour drive, plenty of time to savor how perseverance and carefully tended relationships with the world’s top olive oil experts and producers have favored the Olive Oil Hunter and his Club members during this most challenging harvest year.

Located mid-calf on the Italian boot, land-locked Umbria is known as “the green heart of Italy.” Italians have long lauded the region’s high-quality olive oils and wines, the former resurrected by monks during the Middle Ages after centuries of war, civil strife, and neglect.

Equally as excited to meet us were the Brunetti family and their friendly dog, a truffle-hunting Lagotto Romagnolo named Lilla. (Umbria is second only to Piemonte in its harvest of truffles.) Brothers Andrea and Stefano were proud to show us around their mill and thriving olive groves. To my delight, we toured the farm in a vintage Ape that was small enough to negotiate the groves’ grassy aisles.

Finally, we returned to the mill for the tasting I had so eagerly anticipated. The brothers offered their finest liquid gold to us to “play” with. Duccio and I got right to work—tasting, blending, and re-tasting. Hours later, we hit on an incredible blend of cultivars Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino, and San Felice. The latter, a smallish drupe indigenous to the area (one of 550 varietals grown in Italy), is new to the Club’s repertoire. I am so pleased to introduce you to it. I love the spicy and grassy notes it adds—the key to perfectly calibrated flavor and balance.

Like any family producing high-quality extra virgin olive oil, the Brunettis have a story to tell. Andrea and Stefano’s grandfather, Vittorio, owned thousands of trees in the area in the 1950s. But postwar pragmatism led him to sell his groves, retaining about 200 trees for the family’s use. Meanwhile, his son Francesco went to work in the aviation industry. In 1994, Francesco, tiring of the corporate world, steered the family back to its roots and began the long and arduous process of expanding the groves and cultivating amazing olives. Today, his sons care for 45,000 trees spread over three microclimates at varying elevations. The reopened mill, now outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment from Alfa Laval, allows precise temperature control of the olives and olive paste, a critical tool in the hands of any miller intent on producing the highest-quality EVOO. The family’s hard work has paid off, as evidenced by their many prestigious awards—among them inclusion in Flos Olei’s Top 20 and Gambero Rosso’s coveted star honoring a decade of excellence.

Brunetti Family and T. J. Robinson
We were all happy after creating a unique and extraordinary blend from the extra virgin olive oils this quality-obsessed family produced in what can only be described as a difficult year. I feel so lucky to have met and had the opportunity to work with (and eat with!) the Brunettis. And the family is so proud to have their oils tasted and used by discriminating Club members! From left are Stefano, Marianna, Francesco, myself, Andrea, and Ilaria. 

There’s nothing like tasting quality olive oils to whet appetites, of course. My favorite meal of the visit was a simple but absolutely delicious pasta e fagioli. Prepared by Stefano’s wife, Marianna, it contained carrots, celery, onion, cabbage, tomatoes, cannellini beans, peas, vegetable broth, and a special pasta from her village called cubetti. This was our first family meal together, hosted in a private room at the back of the mill. It was evident many meals happen around this table; I was deeply humbled to be offered a seat. We ladled the thick, warm soup into our bowls, then lavishly topped them with freshly grated Parmesan and glugs of fresh olive oil. Meanwhile, Stefano’s exuberant two-year-old, Francesco, cavorted happily around us. It was obvious he was very comfortable using the mill as his personal playground.

As a final farewell to Umbria and our new friends and partners, my Merry Band of Tasters and I eagerly accepted an invitation to visit a restaurant in the heart of medieval Trevi, Osteria La Vecchia Posta, with Andrea and his wife, Ilaria. Toting a bottle of our newly created blend, we entered the eatery from the town square, which is dominated by a thirteenth-century watch tower. A highlight of the meal was a seasonal dish featuring black celery, a vegetable unique to Trevi. (Only five local farms are authorized to grow this special celery, which, contrary to its name, is actually green.) When splashed with our Club’s exclusive blend it was a perfect way to close out our time in Trevi. I know this splendid oil will bring much joy to your winter table, too. Buon Appetito! 

Stefano Brunetti and T. J. Robinson with truffles
Can you spot the two hunters in this photo? I have a nose for extra virgin olive oil but must admit that Lilla (center) has me beat when it comes to truffles. Trained from a pup by Stefano to sniff out one of Umbria’s most popular gustatory delights, Lilla is of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed. Now, I am eager to make pasta with fresh-pressed olive oil and shaved truffles.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

From the heart of Umbria, this wonderful oil features San Felice, a prized olive varietal new to the Club. On the nose, we sensed the aroma of freshly cut grass, along with artichoke, green almond, apple, green banana, and escarole. There’s also the sweet scent of fennel, mint, and vanilla. On the palate, this oil comes alive with artichoke, spinach, and rosemary; a bitterness reminiscent of dandelion greens; and a pleasant spiciness that evokes celery leaves and white pepper. 

It will lusciously enhance citrus salads, bean and other legume dishes including soups like pasta e ceci; risottos; potatoes; sauteed wild mushrooms or cabbage; and other cruciferous veggies. Drizzle it over freshly steamed artichokes or cold artichokes in vinaigrette. It’s delectable on grilled octopus or shrimp; on dishes featuring chicken, turkey, rabbit, or lamb; and in baked goods. 

This Quarter’s Second Selection

  • Producer: Salvatore Cutrera Exclusive Signature Selection, Chiaramonte Gulfi, Ragusa, Sicily, Italy 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Nocellara del Belice
  • Flavor Profile: Medium
Frantoio Mercurius Extra Virgin Olive oil Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club

Salvatore Cutrera is one of the most driven, provocative characters I’ve encountered during two decades of olive oil hunting. I smile when I remember our first meeting in 2017: evidently testing the palates of myself and my Merry Band of Tasters, Salvatore seeded our inaugural tasting with several unremarkable oils. It was only when we proved ourselves to be very discriminating that he shared his “secret stash” of his finest oils with us. This “vetting” indicated to me that the value Salvatore places on his precious oils cannot be underestimated. He simply doesn’t want to sell them to anyone who can’t or won’t appreciate them. We have made his cut, dear Club member! 

The Cutrera family has been involved in the olive oil business since 1906. In 1979, Salvatore’s father, Giovanni, established an olive mill adjacent to the family home in Chiaramonte Gulfi, a beautiful village in southeastern Sicily that’s been called the “Balcony of Sicily,” thanks to its stunning views of the Hyblean Mountains and the irascible Mount Etna. Salvatore’s wife, son, sisters, in-laws, and other extended family members now staff the business, which comprises some 250 acres of native olive trees and an incredible multi-purpose building about 600 yards from the original mill. Duccio calls it “a cathedral of olive oil.”

Opened in 2021 and encompassing 85,000 square feet, it is a truly magnificent facility, unique in Italy and the world. It features a light-filled classroom for education and tastings as well as top-of-the-line milling equipment from innovative companies Mori and Pieralisi. Dual machinery arrays enable Salvatore and his team to test which equipment works best for individual batches of olives. (No wonder Frantoi Cutrera has won over 700 awards and inclusion in Flos Olei’s Top 20 multiple times!)

Salvatore Cutrera and T.J. Robinson in Sicily, Italy
Many olive varietals have thrived on the island of Sicily for more than 3,000 years. Plump, meaty table olives like Sicily’s Nocellara del Belice (you might know the olives as Castelvetrano) are wonderful when pressed into oil, too. Since meeting in 2017, artisanal olive oil producer Salvatore Cutrera and I have bonded over our preference for early-harvest oils and our passion for oils of extraordinary quality. Notice how the branches behind us droop with beautiful olive fruit—a miracle in this challenging year.

Salvatore is especially proud of two high-tech sorters that identify and dispatch with puffs of air any flawed olive specimens (he calls them “mummies”) with ruthless precision. The system is fascinating to me. Salvatore claims Mother Nature herself is the best judge of olive quality, sometimes condemning substandard fruit to the ground with her windy wrath.

Understandably, given the dire olive news coming from Europe the last few months, I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to find the high-quality extra virgin olive oils my Club members expect. But Salvatore gave me hope. He assured me his perfectly green Nocellara del Belice olives were thriving. And, barring catastrophic weather, they would be ready for me and my team. (I love this varietal, also known as Castelvetrano, often seen on charcuterie platters.) But he was one of few Sicilian producers who had exceptional oils this season, and he was being actively pursued by other persistent buyers, many of whom were desperate to buy any oil, regardless of quality. Thankfully, Salvatore honored his commitment to me and to my Club members.

I never expected to use the word “giddy” in same sentence as “Salvatore Cutrera.” In our interactions, he has always been a bit reserved. But during my recent visit, our conversations were often punctuated by his laughter, a delightful and unexpected sound. I believe the successful harvest (after a nail-biting year) and the flawless performance of his new mill lifted anxiety off Savatore’s shoulders and gave him a certain lightness of being.

The last evening of my visit, Salvatore treated me to a memorable dinner at Ristorante U Dammusu, a local place that had special meaning to him: he’d celebrated his 18th birthday there. It’s a homey restaurant decorated with antiques. Because the area is famous for its pork dishes, I ordered gelatina di maiale (pork in aspic). Now I’m hooked, and I intend to recreate this dish at home. Naturally, we brought our just-pressed olive oil and used it liberally on our food. Salvatore seemed so happy and relaxed, and it was a great pleasure to spend time with him. He seems like a man who has realized his dream, yet he still looks eagerly toward the future and the future of his olive trees, always searching for ways to make his award-winning extra virgin olive oils even better. I hope you love this outstanding oil as much as I do. 

Salvatore Cutrera and T. J. Robinson in the Sicilian town of Chiaramonte Gulfi, Italy
Salvatore Cutrera and I enjoyed a relaxed and convivial evening at one of his favorite restaurants, U Dammusu, in the charming Sicilian town of Chiaramonte Gulfi. Pasta and pork are specialties, and they didn’t disappoint—especially when splashed with the lovely fresh-pressed olive oil we brought with us. Salvatore is so proud that your family and friends, dear Club member, will have the opportunity to enjoy the oil he and his family produced this harvest season. A toast to you! Use the oil in good health.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings 

This enchanting Nocellara del Belice is Sicily in a bottle! It tempts with aromas of tomato leaf, freshly cut grass, walnut, celery, baby spinach, lemon peel, and herbal notes of dill and basil. The walnut comes through on the palate as well, along with wheatgrass, celery, the delicate fruitiness of Asian pear, and the lingering spiciness and bitterness of arugula and Szechuan peppercorns. 

This oil belongs in your tomato-based recipes, from sauces to pizza to bruschetta. Use it in homemade focaccia; egg dishes like Italian breakfast strata; noodle dishes like pasta with breadcrumbs; and to braise greens and roast pumpkin, other squashes, and root vegetables. Drizzle it over avocados, rice and other grains, and grain- or legume-based sides and salads, especially those with nuts. Perfect for pork as well as fatty fish like tuna and salmon, and to enhance fruit and veggie smoothies. 

This Quarter’s Third Selection

  • Producer: Frantoio Mercurius, Penne, Abruzzo, Italy 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Dritta
  • Flavor Profile: Bold
Colli Etruschi Extra Virgin Olive oil Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club

When my Merry Band of Tasters and I pulled up to Frantoio Mercurius, near the ancient city of Penne, our dear friend, the gifted producer Claudio Di Mercurio, came out to greet us with open arms, clad in a billowy white linen shirt and white shorts. He looked like a guardian angel wearing “summer casual” on holiday. I was well aware of the unseasonably hot temperatures as I sweltered inside my safari vest, but Claudio’s out-of-sync outfit drove home the crisis conditions facing many Mediterranean olive growers this season. 

Weeks before, I had been ecstatic to receive word from my scouts on the ground that, in this season characterized by uncertainty, Frantoio Mercurius looked forward to an excellent harvest. This marks the sixth year in a row—an unprecedented winning streak—that I have selected a Mercurius EVOO for our Club. Claudio and his family, pursuing perfection from the outset, produced their first ultra-premium EVOO in 2010. In that inaugural season, the farm’s oils reaped regional awards for excellence, an award-winning trend that has only strengthened over the years, including a silver medal at the recent, prestigious Sol d’Oro competition. 

About 70 percent of the family’s groves are planted with a rare varietal native to the Abruzzo region, Dritta (rhymes with Rita), a small, firm fruit with a moniker that translates as “dependable, genial, trustworthy.” When I first visited the Mercurius farm, in 2018, I was astounded to encounter this cultivar I’d never heard of, and even more delighted, over the following years, to learn that it more than lives up to its name. Usually, olive trees alternate between seasons of high production and low, yet the Dritta trees at Frantoio Mercurius have produced consistently stellar fruit year after year.

Claudio Di Mercurio and T. J. Robinson in the Di Mercurio Olive Mill
Here I am with Claudio Di Mercurio in the mill. If you were expecting mules, pulling a millstone in a circle, think again—the best artisanal EVOO producers operate with the most advanced equipment. Behind us are three malaxers, which separate the olive paste into olive oil, water, and pulp. The chalkboards with my name are to label the tanks with our oil produced from Claudio’s groves—the dazzling Dritta that is now ready for your table.

Claudio attributes the dependable excellence of Mercurius oils to the farm’s location in the Abruzzo region, south of the Appenine mountains, which divide Italy in half along its length. The diminutive, 60-acre farm is nestled in a microclimate among small mountain peaks, with the Mediterranean Sea to its east—natural geographic barriers that help protect against weather extremes. This year, though, the area was nonetheless exposed to the same large-scale trends that affected other parts of Italy. 

After a banner start to the season, with enough moisture in spring to sustain vigorous trees and plenty of initial blossoming, the rain intensified and kept falling until June. The Leccino trees in the grove lost most of their flowers to the downpours. The Dritta trees, in contrast, bloomed later, exactly as the rain was tapering off, so their development was safe. 

The team started the harvest extra early, during a dip in the heat, but temperatures rose again and stayed high. “Hot olives make bad oil with no aromas,” noted Claudio. The team worked when the fruit was cooler—in the early morning, in the evening, on less blistering days, stopping and starting. The technologically advanced mill employs a refrigerated crusher, installed in 2019, which keeps the olive paste cool and helps preserve the precious polyphenols and perfumes in the olives.

T. J. Robinson with the Di Mercurio family
One of the greatest joys of my annual Italian trip is the food. I was under the impression that a mouth-watering porchetta (a seasoned Italian pork roast that is out of this world) was a weekly occurrence at the Di Mercurio family table, but the whole clan corrected me: “No, we only make this for Christmas, Easter, and T. J.” At my left (your right) is Mamma Di Mercurio, along with her daughters Graziella and Annamaria. The food-focused family raises gorgeous vegetables, cures sausages (in olive oil), and prepares luscious jams and preserves, all the produce grown on their land in Abruzzo. 

Not only does Frantoio Mercurius produce superlative EVOO from its own fruit, it is also where quality-minded growers across the region bring their olives to be pressed. While I was at the mill, eagerly awaiting the Dritta, I was delighted to meet a soft-spoken elderly gentleman who’d come to press his family’s olive oil for the season. His name was Luciano Di Giovacchino (see photo below). Luciano is one of the world’s foremost olive oil scientists, a pioneer in the study of organoleptics (sensory impressions, such as flavor, aroma, appearance, and mouthfeel). For 30 years, he was the director of the l’Istituto Sperimentale per la Elaiotecnica (Institute for Olive Oil Technology Research) in Pescara, where he and his colleagues developed the concept and practice of olive oil tasting panels. And here he was, bringing bins of freshly picked olives to his local olive mill, chatting with me. I felt like I had one foot in the past and one foot in the now, as Luciano told me about scaling ladders to pick olives as a boy. 

I wish he’d been able to help me describe the extraordinary Dritta you have just received, but I think my Merry Band of Tasters and I have evoked it extremely well. Read on to whet your appetite for this fantastic EVOO from Frantoio Mercurius and the little varietal that could. 

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings 

The essence of central Italy is captured in this oil starring the Dritta olive. On the nose, this oil is redolent of Tuscan kale and Belgian endive, almonds, baking spices, and wild mint, plus the aroma of black peppercorns and sage. Our tasters enjoyed waves of flavor—dark leafy greens; the wonderful bitterness of radicchio, cacao nibs, and green tea; and the spiciness of those peppercorns, plus notes of parsley and hazelnut.

Lavish this oil on brussels sprouts, broccoli, dark leafy greens, and string beans. Drizzle over cheese-and-salumi boards, grilled slices of crusty bread, and sliced grilled steak. Whisk into vinaigrettes for salads like insalata tricolore and artichoke carpaccio. It adds depth to tomato-based meat and sausage sauces; intensity to chocolate desserts, flourless pistachio cake, and ice cream; and zest to your morning granola and yogurt.

Olive Oil and Health

Phenols in EVOO are the primary source of its heart-health benefits

Reference: Flynn MM, Tierney A, Itsiopoulos C. Is extra virgin olive oil the critical ingredient driving the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet? Nutrients. 2023;15:2915.

A recent scientific review, published in the journal Nutrients, provides strong evidence that the phenols in EVOO—which are not present in lower grades of olive oil—play a primary role in the heart-health benefits associated with olive oil and the Mediterranean diet. 

Phenols are bioactive compounds in plant-based foods. EVOO is rich in phenols, whereas refined olive oils are stripped of these health-promoting compounds by chemical production processes. 

Study Objectives

Dr. Mary Flynn, PhD, registered dietician, and associate professor of medicine at Brown University, identified 34 randomized, controlled trials published between 2000 and 2022 that evaluated the effects of EVOO on risk factors for heart disease: blood pressure, levels of LDL (“bad”) and HDL (“good”) cholesterol, blood sugar, and body weight. 

A main aim of the review was to isolate the effects of the phenols in EVOO from the potential effects of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which are present in all grades of olive oil and other vegetable oils. Flynn hypothesized that the MUFA content is not responsible for the many health benefits of EVOO. 

Another objective was to identify a minimum daily amount of EVOO required to experience its health benefits and the timing for improvements in heart-health risk factors to be observed.


Across the 34 studies, EVOO improved multiple risk factors for heart disease as compared to other grades of olive oil, other plant oils, and low-fat diets: 

  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Lowered LDL and increased HDL
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Proved effective in weight-loss diets and improved long-term weight management

Daily dose of EVOO

According to Flynn and colleagues, “Daily use of EVOO starting at approximately two tablespoons a day will improve a plethora of risk factors in as few as three weeks.”

Phenomenal phenols

It is the phenols in EVOO that confer its heart-health benefits, the authors concluded. In order to obtain optimal levels of phenols, they recommend consuming the freshest olive oil: “The phenol content of extra virgin olive oil is highest in olive oil made close to the harvesting of the olive and will decrease with age and storage. Thus, for maximum health benefits, the EVOO should be produced and consumed as close to harvesting the fruit as possible.” 

The authors noted some limitations of this review: most studies did not include the specific phenolic content of the EVOO used, and many were conducted in the EU, where EVOO has been a part of the diet for centuries. More investigation, especially studies that identify the specific levels of phenols, is needed to confirm and build on these findings. 

Kudos from Club Members

The Italian oils you recently sent us are our second delivery from you. We’ll be loyal members ever onward! I thank you especially for the Pressing Report: you write humanly and humanely. Rather than a corporate presentation, you bring us to the people, trees, and soil, with all of their ecological and life-continuing concerns. I truly thank you for this enthusiastic, informative, and multifaceted report.
Cynthia W.Milton-Freewater, OR


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  • Shrimp Marsala Shrimp Marsala Marsala is a wine made near the town of the same name in Sicily using local white grapes for a sweet flavor profile. Shrimp are a great alternative to the classic chicken preparation. Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds peeled raw shrimp, rinsed and patted dry 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, more if needed 4 tablespoons extra virgin… view recipe
  • Pasta with Breadcrumbs Pasta with Breadcrumbs (Pasta con Mollica di Pane) Also known as pasta ca’ muddica in Sicily, this southern Italian dish is rustic food at its best. My version enhances it with walnuts and diced tomatoes. Though the breadcrumbs stood in for cheese when the latter wasn’t affordable, feel free to serve with freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano or Pecorino Romano. Ingredients 1 pound linguine 2… view recipe
  • Brussels Sprouts Crostini with Pancetta and Balsamic Brussels Sprouts Crostini with Pancetta and Balsamic Although they’re named after a Belgian city, this popular member of the brassica family is thought to have been first cultivated in Rome. To shave the sprouts safely, I recommend using the thinslicing disk on your food processor—not a mandoline or knife. Ingredients 12 slices of day-old Italian bread or a French baguette (sliced on… view recipe
  • Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Nothing sets the tone for a festive day—or a leisurely one—better than a well-made Bloody Mary. It starts with a homemade mix with just the right amounts of spice and acid—so much zestier than commercial mixes. And the bright and bountiful skewers will really impress your guests. Ingredients For the mix: One 46-ounce can or… view recipe

Quarter 3—Australian Harvest

From the Other Side of the World, Flown Here at Their Peak of Freshness: Three Food-Friendly Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oils for Your Fall Table

T.J. Robinson The Olive Oil Hunter

  • Crafted by award-winning artisanal producers who meld Old World traditions with state-of-the-art techniques, these exclusive oils are among the freshest on the planet, delivered to the US by jet for you to enjoy with friends and family.
  • Personally selected by your Olive Oil Hunter and available nowhere else, this trio will enhance every meal and elevate your fall and holiday dishes.
  • All three oils have been certifi ed by an independent lab to be 100 percent extra virgin olive oil and rich in polyphenols, prized for their healthful benefits.

One of the greatest taste pleasures in life comes from the annual trek your Olive Oil Hunter makes to Australia. For me, “the great Oz” isn’t the wizard who helps Dorothy and Toto get back home in the L. Frank Baum classic but the enchanting land in the Southern Hemisphere. (Australia’s beloved nickname “Oz” comes from the quick pronunciation of its first three letters.) I like to think of its beautiful, shimmering olive groves as mini “emerald cities,” and as its wizards, the men and women who create the liquid gold that I jet home for you.

With opposite seasons to countries in the Northern Hemisphere, Australia is the perfect place to source fresh-pressed olive oil this time of year. And no matter how knackered—local lingo for exhausted—I am from the 20,000-mile round-trip odyssey, I look forward to it every year. Once you taste the magic in these three bottles, you’ll understand why.

The Olive Oil Culture Down Under

Oleiculture— the production and processing of olives—Down Under has a history dating back more than two centuries, albeit with fits and starts. By the turn of the 20th century, 60 different olive cultivars were thriving in their new home, primarily on a specially designed farm with a research station in Wagga Wagga, in the heart of New South Wales, the Aussie state that’s also home to Sydney and the country’s capital, Canberra. But despite the best of intentions, over the course of that century, olive cultivation came close to the point of completely faltering. In 1995, the Australian Olive Association (AOA) was formed to revive it and set standards for EVOO quality. There was new interest—and investment—in Australian olive oil, especially in Victoria, considered the country’s garden state because of its temperate, Mediterranean-like climate that is conducive to farming.

Melissa Wong, Jill Barson and T. J. Robinson
Once on the ground, it was straight to the home of my treasured friend, Melissa Wong (center) for our much-anticipated Grand Tasting of extra virgin olive oils under consideration for this quarter. Joining us was Aussie olive guru Jill Barson, a poet of a taster with the greatest command of olive oil descriptors I’ve ever heard. There’s always a high level of excitement as we begin: What treasures will we find?

The parallels to the Australian wine industry are remarkable. Not long after the first olive trees were planted in the 1800s, grape cuttings from Spain and France were introduced to the region. Yet it wasn’t until the end of the 20th century that the country’s wines reached the international stage. Wine connoisseurs now rave about Aussie Shiraz, Cab Sauv (their shorthand for cabernet sauvignon), Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling, and the uniquely aged white Semillon. For olive oil connoisseurs like me, it’s the Australian Picual, Coratina, and Frantoio olives, among others, that get my attention and are taking their place in the spotlight.

A Land of Extremes, A Buffet of Cuisines

With six different climate zones (plus numerous microclimates, important for growing olives), Oz lets me enjoy the sun at Sydney’s Bondi Beach and, after a day’s drive, witness snow in the Australian Alps along the Great Alpine Road from Wangaratta to Metung.

What makes the country even more fascinating to me is that, throughout its contemporary history, Australia has attracted immigrants not only from England but from all corners of the globe—from waves of Italians and Greeks in the 1800s and again after World War II to more than 3 million newcomers since 2000, many from across Asia, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and India. Their cultures and cuisines are now all part of the Oz landscape. Some of the most delicious meals I’ve ever had were in small family-run restaurants from Sydney to Melbourne, and they inspired many of the dishes in the recips below.

My Network of Amazing Aussie Experts

I’ve spent nearly two decades developing and strengthening relationships with the most important olive oil influencers on the continent to ensure that I can always bring you the finest, freshest oils for this quarter. My Merry Band of Tasters swells in Oz to include our close friend and longtime Club collaborator, Melissa Wong—we’ve known each other since our days at the Food Network in New York in the ’00s! Few people Down Under have more experience in sourcing superior specialty foods than Melissa, a former Michelin-star restaurateur and fine food aficionado.

I also love reuniting with Australian olive guru and esteemed taster Jill Barson, who sits on the board of the Olive Wellness Institute, an organization dedicated to educating the public about the health benefits of EVOO. I always look forward to gaining insights from John and Marjan Symington of Oasis Olives, who
are both committee members of the Victoria-based Goulburn Strathbogie Olive Oil Association and whose expansive farm often serves as our logistics hub.

Melissa Wong, John and Marjan Symington, T. J. Robinson, Meghan Wells and Tjeerd Beliën
With John and Marjan Symington of Oasis (flanking me), Melissa Wong, my wife Meghan, and charter Merry Band of Tasters member Tjeerd Beliën at South of Johnston, a cafe in Melbourne, where coffee culture is huge (inside secret: don’t overheat the milk in your lattes!). The Symingtons are trusted partners—with multiple groves around the world, they have the inside track on what’s happening in the realm of olives and olive oil.

In Oz, ultra-premium olive oil producers understand that making artisanal olive oil is both an art and
a science and will incorporate Old World sensibilities into the modern practices on their family farms. In the following paragraphs, you’ll meet them: Kyneton’s estate manager, Mick Labbozzetta, whose own parents came from Italy; Annie Paterson, founder of Nullamunjie Olive Groves, one of the most passionate growers I know; and my dear friend Leandro Ravetti, a master miller, international panel judge, and olive oil consultant who racks up even more frequent flyer miles each year than I do!

Though their respective oils might compete to be part of the Club’s selections in any given year, all these award-winning producers share my goal of bringing you the tastiest, freshest oils. And this quarter was yet another triumph.

Happy drizzling!

T. J. Robinson 
The Olive Oil Hunter®

This Quarter’s First Selection

  • Producer: Leandro’s Master Miller Exclusive Selection, Boort, Victoria, 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Picual, Coratina
  • Flavor Profile: Mild

Leandro Ravetti, Boort, Victoria, 2022 Australia Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Label

My longtime friend Leandro Ravetti is one of the most influential olive oil experts in the world. His oils have won top awards in the most prestigious competitions on earth, from Tokyo to Los Angeles to Madrid and beyond. He was even a keynote speaker at what is Mount Olympus for the planet’s olive oil producers: the New York International Olive
Oil Competition.

Leandro is my ace in the hole when I hunt fresh-pressed olive oil Down Under. Like an alchemist, Leandro has helped me put some of the most exquisite Australian extra virgin olive oils into the hands of discriminating Club members for more than a decade.

One of the many notable things about Leandro is his consistency. No matter what obstacles he encounters, weather-related or otherwise, he manages to vault over them, coaxing the best fruit from his trees—and, from that fruit, the best extra virgin olive oils.

Leandro is a master miller, one of only a handful in the world. He graduated with an honors degree in agricultural engineering from the National University of Catamarca, doing post-graduate work in Spain and Italy before returning to his native Argentina to assist its fledgling olive industry. Leandro is uniquely qualified to straddle the olive oil cultures between the old and new worlds. In 2001, he accepted the position of technical director at Modern Olives in Lara, Victoria. This science-based company interfaces with Australian olive growers and maintains a state-of-the-art laboratory to study planting and cultivation techniques, natural flavor and aroma optimization, tree health, harvest efficiencies, and milling methods. There is virtually no facet of olive cultivation and olive oil production that Leandro is not intimately familiar with. One of his most laudable accomplishments was drafting the Australian Standard for Olive Oil, which set some of the highest standards among all olive-growing countries.

You can understand why it’s such a delight to spend time with this scientist, technical whiz kid, and artisan on his home turf. I always learn something new.

Leandro’s Master Miller Olive Grove, Boort, Victoria, 2023
Rain rutted the road, but wild ’roos couldn’t have kept me away from this tour of the groves. I was on site when these olive trees were planted in 2015 and am thrilled to know the fruit they’ve produced contributed to the sensational food-friendly blend you’ve just received. Leandro is very attuned to my olive oil preferences—fresh and green with nuanced flavors and high polyphenol levels—which is why our collaboration has been so successful over the years.

During a trip to his olive groves, Leandro explained the season’s peculiarities to us. An unseasonably cool, damp spring delayed the olive trees’ flowering by about two weeks, meaning the fall harvest was delayed as well. (The olives were slow to ripen, which can be a good thing, as it gives the fruit a chance to develop more complex flavors.) Producers like Leandro, who prefer early-harvest oils, avoided the rains that bedeviled some harvest teams.

I was especially eager to tour the mill at Boort, as it underwent a complete renovation since my visit in 2022. Because the project was completed just before the harvest, it was a bit of a nail-biter. I was very impressed. The mill is an example of the technological edge Oz has been honing for 25 years. Most intriguing was a device that sorts olive fruit. Guided by cameras and preset parameters, this “inspector” culls less-than-perfect fruit from the herd, banishing it to a separate bin with a well-aimed puff of air. It’s fun to watch!

Leandro Ravetti
For the past 25 years, Leandro Ravetti’s knowledge and experience have been in high demand among olive growers from both hemispheres. He is the equivalent of an olive oil rockstar! One benefi ciary of his expertise is the world-renowned Olive Oil Center at UC Davis. Leandro not only oversees thriving olive groves in California’s Yolo County but also teaches a popular course in milling olives. (I am an alumnus.)

Leandro promotes extra virgin olive oils with the fervor of a Southern-born evangelist. He hopes refined oils with misleading descriptors like “Pure” or “Light” will disappear from market shelves—those oils have been altered by heat and/or the addition of chemicals, destroying their healthful properties.

Leandro is an avid home cook and an ardent user of olive oil in his own kitchen in the coastal city of Geelong. He’s especially proud of his schnitzel, aka “schnitty”; carrot cake with cream cheese and olive oil icing; and a version of Italy’s bagna cauda (“hot bath”), enriched with heavy cream and served with crudité.

Just writing about this oil and its accomplished producer makes me excited to get back to my kitchen to find new ways to use this fresh and flavorful extra virgin. Once you taste it, you’ll find my enthusiasm contagious!

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

My tasters and I agree this oil, though mild, has loads of personality. Exceptionally fragrant, evoking tomato vine and the fruitiness of Asian pear and green banana. Notes of celery leaves and white pepper are accompanied by the nuttiness of walnuts and the freshness of mint. Pleasantly green and grassy in the mouth, with the mild bitterness of green walnuts and Belgian endive and the subtle spiciness of celery leaves. Floral notes—fresh rose petals?—ride the long finish.

This Picual and Coratina blend has range. I recommend it for salads featuring pears or walnuts; bread; roasted tomatoes or root vegetables; stir fries; mild fi n fi sh; lobster or other shellfi sh; chicken; pork; brie, camembert, or even aged cheeses like pecorino; eggplant; eggs; legumes; rice; popcorn; smoothies; vanilla ice cream; panna cotta; or baked goods.

This Quarter’s Second Selection

  • Producer: Nullamunjie Blend, Tongio, Victoria, 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Frantoio, Coratina, Leccino
  • Flavor Profile: Medium

Oasis Olives, Kialla, Victoria, Australia, 2022 Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Label

Annetta “Annie” Paterson, the founder of Nullamunjie, credits an unknown benefactor with ultimately changing her life.

She was about six years old when bookshelves and books to fi ll them appeared at her one-room schoolhouse in the Victorian bush. The new “library”—likely part of what Aussies call a “clear out” (a rummage or estate sale)—fascinated Annie, especially the books on Greek history and mythology. Later, after graduating from the University of Melbourne, Annie splurged on a trip to Greece.

Today, she can still describe in detail the view from her tour bus window as it wheezed up the steep slope of Mt. Parnassus to Delphi, famed home of the Oracle: the silvery, grey-green leaves of the olive trees rustling in the breeze, the sun-kissed Aegean Sea just beyond their crowns. For Annie, it was love at fi rst sight. She intuited that olive trees would thrive on her family’s East Gippsland ranch. Unconvinced by her argument that the Mediterranean-like climate (warm days and cool nights) and rocky, mineral-rich soil would support olives, Annie’s father urged her to table her dream.

Fortunately for us, dear Club member, the story didn’t end there. In 1998, Annie—by then married and the mother of four—purchased land bisected by the Tambo River at the base of Mt. Stawell. She started out small, initially planting a few hundred olive trees—all Italian varietals. Now a septuagenarian, Annie shows no signs of slowing down. She recently added 300 acres to her holdings, planting them with 2,500 olive trees. No leisurely afternoon games of mahjong for this remarkable woman! You’re more likely to find her deep in the olive grove, wielding a chainsaw and wearing a hard hat over her perfectly coiffed hair, her outfit accessorized with a string of South Sea pearls. “I like to prune,” Annie admits. If I failed to schedule a visit with Annie during a trip to Oz (unthinkable), my Merry Band of Tasters would mutiny! She is down-to-earth yet patrician in her bearing. (“I feel like I’m with royalty when we’re together,” I told a friend.)

With the help of Riley, her new operations manager, Annie’s in the process of adopting regenerative farming techniques. This government-backed program goes beyond sustainability. Its goal is to sequester carbon in the soil and promote biodiversity.

Laughter is always on the menu when my Merry Band of Tasters and I join Annie Paterson, the effervescent proprietress of Nullamunjie, for a meal. On the evening these photos were taken, Annie invited us to her lovely antique Victorian home near Melbourne’s CBD. A talented cook, for years Annie ran a popular café at her farm called The Pressing Shed (Aussie-speak for an olive mill). Her Flourless Chocolate Hazelnut Cake is a favorite at my house.

Dining at Annie’s table is something my Merry Band of Tasters and I always look forward to. During our recent visit, we gathered at the beautiful home she shares with her husband, John, near Melbourne’s central business district (CBD). A classic Victorian, this architectural antique features the intricate gingerbread trim common to houses built in the latter half of the nineteenth century as well as stunning pressed-tin ceilings that reverberate with laughter when we’re together.

We relish our trips to the farm, too, some 250 miles northeast of the city. The home Annie and John built there is an example of Australia’s “rammed earth” construction. After a day at the mill, it’s a pleasure to stargaze from the veranda. Though deep in the bush, we even found a great little pizzeria whose pies went exceedingly well with Annie’s just-pressed olive oil!

One evening, over a typically mirthful dinner of stuffed mushrooms, olive oil–poached salmon with capers, roasted fennel and tomatoes, and a salad of pear and seasonal greens—all accompanied by stellar Aussie wines—we devoted ourselves to catching up.

Kangaroo in Olive Grove, Australia
“We’re not in Kansas anymore,” Dorothy murmured to Toto as she got her fi rst look at Oz. That’s the same feeling I get when I spot a kangaroo in the olive groves or keeping pace with our car. The marsupials (among other things) remind me that I’m a long, long way from home. Australia is a magical place dear Club member, populated by friendly people, unique forms of wildlife, and some of the planet’s fi nest extra virgin olive oil.

Annie’s beloved trees, she said, endured another unusually cool, wet, overcast summer, delaying the olives’ ripening by two weeks. However, the East Timorese harvest crew arrived at the prearranged date as per their contract. Was their early arrival a problem? Not for me: Longtime members of the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club know my strong preference for early-harvest oils, with their complex fl avors and higher polyphenol counts.

It’s thrilling for Annie to imagine Club members tasting her extra virgin olive oils, lovingly crafted from her favorite varietals. (Usually, it’s a privilege only locals have!) She is so very proud of their versatility and their ability to elevate nearly every food they touch. I predict this oil, produced by a plucky but determined grandmother, will soon become your favorite “secret ingredient,” taking your cooking to glorious new heights.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings 

This Italian-varietal farm blend refl ects the geniality, beauty, and elegance of its producer, Annie. It’s incredibly food-friendly, as you’ll discover. Almond is predominant on the nose, supported by Belgian endive, golden apple, citrus zest, freshly ground black pepper, oregano, fennel seed, and cinnamon. A whiff of baby spinach lends mineral-like grace notes. Very harmonic on the palate, blending green almonds, wild mint, and the complex bitterness of radicchio, green tea, and walnuts. Arugula and black pepper appear on the spicy tail.

Pair this exceptionally versatile oil with salads featuring winter greens (like kale) and nuts; curries; bruschetta; white pizza; pesto; lamb; turkey; roasted new potatoes or sweet potatoes, pumpkin or other squash, radicchio, broccoli, brussels sprouts, or caulifl ower; white beans; steamed green beans or edamame; mushrooms; yogurt; granola; or ice cream.

This Quarter’s Third Selection

  • Producer: Kyneton Olive Oil, Bylands, Victoria, 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Coratina, Frantoio
  • Flavor Profile: Bold

Kyneton Olive Oil, Bylands, Victoria, 2023 Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Label

Each time I prepare to taste the just-pressed oils from the Kyneton farm—a destination for me and my Merry Band of Tasters since 2009—I feel an adrenaline rush of what I can only describe as Christmas-morning anticipation. It’s the same feeling I got as a child, wondering what could be inside a mysterious package that had appeared under the tree overnight. Was it that special gift I had wished for? Or was it something else—possibly even more wonderful?

Since 2016, Kyneton has been tended by the genial and generous estate manager Mick Labbozzetta, whose team presses the top-quality Kyneton olives as well as those from several other artisanal farms. “You can’t rely on just one grove,” Mick says, nodding to the fickleness of Mother Nature and also to the smaller-scale operations of Australian olive farms, many of which do not have a mill on site. With its state-of-the-art Pieralisi olive mill, Kyneton is the destination for the finest fruit in the area.

I think of Kyneton as a mini Italy in rural Victoria. Mick, whose family immigrated to Oz from Calabria, is supported year-round in the groves by a fellow Calabrian, Carmelo Tramontana. They join forces each harvest season with an Italian master miller, Davide Bruno. Together, this trio merges Old World character with New World practices to generate a great Italian-Australian synergy They are faithfully carrying on Kyneton’s Italian lineage: the original grove was planted by Calabrian transplant Felice Trovatello and stewarded expertly by his children until it was acquired, in 2015, by the Inturrisi family, originally from Sicily—to whom Mick is related by marriage.

Nineteenth-century Italian immigrants brought the first olives to Australia, with cuttings smuggled inside the lapels of jackets, in order to plant trees from their homeland in the soil of their future. The largest waves of Italian immigration to Victoria were during the postwar period, especially the 1950s and ’60s.

Mick Labbozzetta and T. J. Robinson at D. O. C. Delicatessen in Melbourne’s Lygon Street
At D. O. C. Delicatessen in Melbourne’s Lygon Street, Mick Labbozzetta, the estate manager at Kyneton, and I shop for authentic Italian specialties (sugo pomodoro and pasta) to showcase the tantalizing Italian-style blend we created together for the Club. Next door is D. O. C. Espresso, serving Italian pastries and caffè in all its permutations. For Mick and thousands of other Italian Australians in Victoria, these shops help sustain the culinary traditions of the homeland.

As we caught up at D. O. C. Espresso, an old-school Italian café on Lygon Street in Victoria, I asked Mick what it was like when he was a boy. “Every couple of months,” he said, “there were boatloads of Italians arriving.” He reminisced about the ships that transported the newcomers, switching effortlessly between his gentle Aussie lilt and mellifluous Italian: the Achille Lauro, the Angelina Lauro, the Sydney, the Galileo Galilei, the Marconi. Many of these migrants—most hailing from the southern Italian regions of Sicily and Calabria—became entrepreneurs in their new country.

“All the flavors and traditions from back home were imported, along with the families,” Mick recalled. Immigrants opened Italian bakeries, cafes, delicatessens, and restaurants that created and sustained a thriving Italian-Australian culture in Victoria for decades.

You’re no doubt wondering—as I was—about the olive oil. As Mick explained, in the ’60s and ’70s, all the olive oil was imported. Mick’s grandfather wanted to make olive oil for his family, so he planted about 20 trees in his backyard in Adelaide. “I remember picking the olives,” Mick smiled. Those olives were pressed into oil at a neighbor’s home.

Mick’s grandfather would be incredibly proud that his grandson now oversees about 7,000 trees at Kyneton, most of them Italian varietals. Since 2018, master miller Davide Bruno, a gifted and passionate Ligurian native, has collaborated with Mick during the harvest. As Davide’s visa permits him to work in Australia for three months out of the year, he arrives in time to monitor the olives’ development and then pinpoint what I term the “magic window,” the ideal time to press the fruit in order to maximize the perfumes and flavors in the resulting oils.

David Bruno and T. J. Robinson
After this quick photo op, master miller David Bruno and I trucked those bins of gorgeous, just-picked olives to the mill for immediate pressing. Working harvests in both Australia and his native Italy enables Davide to double his experience and share techniques across the globe. I especially admire how Davide reserves each batch of olive oil that he presses in a separate tank. (Many millers, even excellent ones, combine pressings.) I was extra-delighted to be able to create a spectacular bold blend for my Club from the most specific palette of flavors.

When I arrived at the farm, the Kyneton team presented eight different Coratina pressings for me and my Merry Band to taste, each of them distinct. I tinkered with them and added a small but strategic amount of an excellent Frantoio to craft a harmonious, one-of-a-kind bold selection for the Club.

Mick expressed what an honor it is to work with our Club, as he continues to learn from me, and from you, about the qualities we seek in premium EVOO—the healthful polyphenols, the range and nuance of perfumes and flavors. He and his team hold their plans until they know whether a Kyneton oil will be a Club selection. “You’re very important to us,” he said, a sentiment I echo right back. We are thrilled to share this exclusive Italian-style blend with you.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

Dominated by the assertive Coratina varietal, this oil leads with the herbal scents of thyme and sage (for me, the latter always flags a desire for cool-weather cooking), as well as green tea, almond, banana, escarole, and green peppercorns. It’s bold on the palate but with an intriguing, well-integrated bitterness. We noted rosemary, macadamia nuts, cocoa nibs, lemon zest, and bay leaf. The bitterness of arugula and dandelion greens and the spicy tingle of Szechuan peppercorns deliver a vibrant finish.

This oil is perfect for fall, a great complement to your seasonal menus. I urge you to try it with grilled or roasted meats; jacketed baked potatoes; pizza; hearty soups, stews, and braises; tomato-based sauces, like Bolognese; meat pies (see a recipe for this Aussie favorite below); Chinese broccoli; duck; game meats; Japanese eggplant; or chocolate desserts.

Olive Oil and Health

Dementia: Olive oil could help protect brain health, according to new study

Adapted from the original research and an article by Robby Berman in Medical News Today, August 2, 2023

Consuming half a tablespoon of olive oil per day could substantially lower your risk of dying from dementia, a new study shows.

According to a presentation on July 24 at the NUTRITION 2023 conference in Boston, the study found that people who consumed half a tablespoon or more of olive oil daily had a 25% reduced risk of dying from dementia compared to people who did not consume olive oil.

What’s more, higher olive oil intake was linked to greater brain benefits. “We found a clear linear dose-response association between higher daily olive oil intake and lower risk of fatal dementia,” said presenter Anne-Julie Tessier, RD (registered dietician), PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

This US-based study is the first to investigate the relationship between diet and dementia-related death. The investigators analyzed the health records from 1990 to 2018 of more than 90,000 people in the US who did not have cardiovascular disease or cancer at the start of the study. During the study’s 28 years of follow-up, 4,749 participants died from dementia.

Replacing even a single teaspoon of margarine or commercial mayonnaise with olive oil was also associated with a 5-12% reduced risk of dying from dementia, according to the research team. These benefits were not seen with other vegetable oils.

The link between higher olive oil intake and lower risk of dying of dementia was observed regardless of the overall quality of people’s diets. This may indicate that components of olive oil provide unique benefits for brain health.

“Some antioxidant compounds in olive oil can cross the blood-brain barrier, potentially having a direct effect on the brain,” said Dr. Tessier. “It is also possible that olive oil has an indirect effect on brain health by benefiting cardiovascular health.” She noted that only a few individuals in the study consumed more than 15 mg (about 1 tablespoon) of olive oil daily.

A body of previous research has established an association between olive oil intake and a lower risk of heart disease, and incorporating olive oil as part of the Mediterranean diet has also been shown to help protect against cognitive decline.

Dr. Tessier reflected on the characteristics of olive oil that may confer its effects on the brain: “Olive oil may play a beneficial role in cognitive health through its rich content in monounsaturated fatty acids, which may promote neurogenesis [growth of brain cells]. It also contains vitamin E and polyphenols that have antioxidant activity.”

The research team advised that an observational study such as this is only able to identify an association and does not prove that olive oil is the cause of the reduced risk of dying from dementia. Randomized, controlled trials are needed to confirm the study’s findings and to help establish the optimal quantity of olive oil to consume in order to experience the most benefits.

Reference: Tessier JA, Yuan C, Cortese M, et al. Olive oil and fatal dementia risk in two large prospective US cohort studies. Poster presented at NUTRITION 2023 conference, Fairfax, VA, July 24, 2023.

Kudos from Club Members

Alarmingly Awesome
I make my own salad dressings, and I eat salad every single day, and this olive oil has taken my dressings to the next level; it’s unbelievable! It’s the most beautiful green color, the aroma is magical, the taste is alarmingly awesome, thank you for such an impressive olive oil!
Suzanne B.Brea, CA


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  • Bresaola and Gorgonzola Bresaola, Fig, Radicchio, and Gorgonzola Salad This recipe comes from King and Godfree—what started as an innovative grocery store in a historic 1870s building in Melbourne’s Little Italy neighborhood has blossomed into a vibrant destination with numerous eateries as well as other businesses. This recipe is pure simplicity but brings together flavorful ingredients. Bresaola is a luscious Italian cured meat made… view recipe
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  • Saag Paneer (Greens with Fresh Indian Cheese) Saag Paneer (Greens with Fresh Indian Cheese) Immigrants from Northern India have popularized dishes like this one in Australian cities. The Sanskrit word saag means “greens”—not just spinach (known as palak). Paneer is a firm cheese with a high melting point made from milk curdled with lemon juice or another acid. If you cannot find it, halloumi, feta, or queso fresco make… view recipe
  • Green Curry Shrimp Green Curry Shrimp Canned green curry paste, available in stores and online from Maesri, makes quick work of this dish. Feel free to add in other vegetables that you have on hand, sautéing them along with the onions and peppers. Serve over basmati or jasmine rice or rice noodles. Ingredients 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided use… view recipe
  • Lentil Salad in Radicchio Cups Lentil Salad in Radicchio Cups Because they hold their shape better when cooked, I prefer green or black lentils for this dish in lieu of the more common brown lentils. If radicchio is not available, use Bibb or butter lettuce leaves. Try this with the tuna recipe. Ingredients For the vinaigrette: 1 tablespoon good-quality sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar… view recipe
  • Chinese Chicken Dumplings Chinese Chicken Dumplings With store-bought dumpling wrappers, available in rounds and squares that typically come in packages of 50, making homemade dumplings is a breeze. (If buying wrappers from the refrigerator case, freeze half the package for a future use.) You can buy ground chicken, but I’ve included a quick DIY hack. Sherry makes a good substitute for… view recipe

Quarter 2—Chilean Harvest

Three Spectacular Chilean EVOOs from One Extraordinary Farm

T.J. Robinson The Olive Oil Hunter
  • Custom-blended to attain perfect harmony, balance, and food-friendliness, these just-pressed oils will be the stars of your summer table.
  • All three were rushed to the US by jet to preserve their vivid, tantalizing flavors and healthful properties.
  • All three have been certified by an independent lab to be 100 percent pure extra virgin olive oil.
  • All three are Club exclusives, available nowhere else!

I’ve just returned from the vibrant, fertile land of Chile, with its world-class olive groves, generous people, fantastic local food, and plenty of la buena onda—good vibes. I’m thrilled to present you with the fruits of my most enjoyable labors: three glistening bottles of the freshest, finest extra virgin olive oil on Earth right now.

Heading South

Shaped like a rumpled necktie, Chile undulates along 2,600 miles of the Pacific coast of South America and lies more than 5,000 miles due south of the US east coast. Its antipodal orientation means, of course, that its seasons are the opposite of ours—when we are entering spring in the Northern Hemisphere, Chile is experiencing autumn and, with it, the annual olive harvest. At this time of year, with the Mediterranean harvests several months off, I head below the equator to hunt for liquid gold for my Club members.

My first journey, in 2005, was to assess “the Chilean threat,” as anxious European producers dubbed the fledgling ultra-premium olive oil scene in Chile. Starting in the early 2000s, Chilean upstarts bypassed centuries of Old World tradition, employing state-of-the-art growing and milling techniques to wow olive oil connoisseurs around the globe with their high-quality, fresh, fragrant EVOOs.

Carola Dümmer Medina and T. J. Robinson in Chile
Olive oil educator Carola Dümmer Medina and I were reunited after 18 years. She remembered me (it was probably my hat) from a grand tasting back in 2005, sponsored by Chile Oliva, the national Chilean growers’ association. Carola publishes an influential guide to educate Chilean consumers about the benefits and characteristics of high-polyphenol, fresh-pressed EVOO. We bonded over stories of the first time we tasted olive oil fresh from the harvest—she remembers exclaiming, “Oh my gosh, what is this amazing stuff?”

In the intervening years, I have collaborated with many of the quality-obsessed Chilean pioneers, and these connections have deepened into friendships. We share delicious meals, hearty laughs, big dreams, hot tips, occasional fears, and an abiding passion for olive oil. (Sometimes we even share surfboards – see the photo below.)

Duccio Morozzo della Rocca, longtime friend of the Club and key member of my Merry Band of Tasters, met up with me and the rest of the band when we landed in Santiago. Before anything else: food. At a little local chain called Tip y Tap, I devoured a lomito Italiano, my favorite sandwich, with roast pork, avocado, and tomato, slathered with house-made mayonnaise and piled on a crusty Chilean roll. So, so good.

A Break from Megadrought

If you folded a paper map of the globe along the equator, Central Chile’s latitude (between 32 and 35 degrees) would line up with that of Southern Europe. Its climate is accordingly Mediterranean style, with hot, dry summers, mild winters, warm days, and cool nights. This agricultural powerhouse bursts with mouthwateringly lush, outsize fruits and vegetables, including celery stalks the size of baseball bats and the best avocados in the world.

But, for more than a decade now, the Chilean agricultural sector has battled a megadrought—a long-term lack of rain, the worst in a thousand years. Olive growers with irrigation systems have managed to compensate for the lack of rain, but every season has been a nail-biter. Last year, in which Mother Nature not only served up dry and blistering heat but also threw in an early frost, was one of the worst on record for Chilean olive growers.

In a miraculous turnaround, this year Chile enjoyed a fantastic olive growing season and harvest. The weather was ideal—a genial spring; a hot summer, but not so intense as to cause concern; and a temperate autumn with a well-timed rain at harvest time, just enough to plump the olives without diluting the intensity of their oil. Chilean producers were ecstatic, as was I.

A quick primer on current EVOO-nomics: global prices for bulk-commodity-level oil are the highest they’ve been in a generation, owing to the dismal most recent harvest in Spain, the world’s largest source of olive oil. Many Chilean producers, who’ve suffered in recent years, strategized by leaving the fruit on the trees longer, which maximizes the oil yield. Given this dynamic, I suspected that finding the early-harvest, super-herbaceous Chilean EVOO I prize might be a challenge.

Juan José (Juanjo) Alonso and T. J. Robinson Holding Surf Boards in Chile
Juan José (Juanjo) Alonso and I take a break from the harvest to stroll on the beach near Agricola Pobeña, the celebrated olive farm he manages along with his family. Back when the farm was just a dream, Juanjo was tasked with scouting a location for the Alonso clan’s future olive groves. His siblings joke that Juanjo chose the eventual Pobeña plot because it is only half an hour from this prime surfing beach—an allegation that Juanjo, an avid wave rider, has yet to deny.

Quality, Not Quantity

As we traditionally kick off the Chilean quest, Duccio had arranged a Grand Tasting, at which we sampled dozens of harvest-fresh oils. Seven single-varietal olive oils quickly emerged as winners – we pronounced them “near perfect.” In an extraordinary turn of events, all were produced by the same farm, Agricola Pobeña. I have worked many times with the multitalented Pobeña team, so I had anticipated their oils would be excellent. But for every single contender to come from the same groves, reflecting such a range of varietals, flavors, and personalities, was astonishing.

Agricola Pobeña is the joyous, innovative, 100 percent-quality-focused, and immensely successful venture of the Alonso family. The Pobeña mill pressed its first EVOO in 2014 and almost immediately drew international accolades, with more than 140 prestigious awards to date. Last year, Pobeña was named one of the Top 20 Olive Farms in the World by Flos Olei, the international guide to ultra-premium EVOO.

With olive groves carpeting 850 acres of land in Chile’s agriculturally blessed O’Higgins Region, as well as a 10-acre lake and multiple rain wells, Pobeña grows a veritable Ellis Island of Southern European olive varietals: Italian, Spanish, and Greek. The farm’s many microclimates foster nuance and contrast, not just among the cultivars but within them—the same olives grown at various elevations will take on subtly different flavor profiles.

How to improve upon near-perfection? Teamwork. I was thrilled at this opportunity to collaborate with three of my favorite EVOO impresarios: Denise Langevin, Duccio Morozzo, and Juan Carlos Pérez. Read on to learn about these multitalented and passionate producers, and whet your appetite with Chilean-inspired recipes and food pairing suggestions. I can’t wait for you to taste these magnificent oils!

Happy drizzling!

T. J. Robinson 
The Olive Oil Hunter®

This Quarter’s First Selection

  • Producer: Denise Langevin Exclusive Selection, Agricola Pobeña, Comuna de La Estrella, O’Higgins Region, Chile 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Arbequina, Koroneiki
  • Flavor Profile: Mild
Denise Langevin Exclusive Selection, Agricola Pobeña, Comuna de La Estrella, O’Higgins Region, Chile 2023 Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Label

Before treating me and my Merry Band of Tasters to a lavish lunch showcasing her just-pressed extra virgin olive oil blend, Denise Langevin drove us to a local grade school that benefits from an initiative she spearheaded—a program that promotes healthy eating among schoolchildren. (It’s similar to the “Edible Schoolyard Project” started in Berkeley by restaurateur Alice Waters, of Chez Panisse fame.) As the olive oil-obsessed daughter of a Chilean fruit farmer, Denise delights in acquainting the students with the joys of gardening and eating what they grow. Currently, a dozen vegetable varieties are being cultivated in raised beds built by Denise and her husband, Luis. During summer break, each child—hopefully, future olive oil lovers all—is given a tomato plant to nurture.

It was a pleasure to witness in person her exuberant schoolyard reception. “Tía Denise! Tía Denise!” shouted the children as they mobbed my friend on the playground. Denise is clearly a hit with the youngsters in the town of Codegua, some 45 miles south of Santiago. Tía (aunt) and tío (uncle) are the proper Spanish words to respectfully address teachers, Denise explained.

As expected, garden-fresh vegetables starred in the multi-course lunch. But the MVP award went to the oil: it elevated each dish. Starters included almond-stuffed olives and Denise’s addictive oil-cured sundried tomatoes, followed by a velvety pumpkin soup, a green salad, seafood and spinach crepes, an Andean corn casserole called pastel de choclo, and, for dessert, profiteroles.

Denise Langevin and T. J. Robinson with Children in Chile
When not judging olive oil competitions, Chilean EVOO expert Denise Langevin champions healthy eating habits by teaching local schoolchildren how to grow and prepare their own fresh vegetables. It’s important, she believes, to impart this lesson when they’re young. I heartily support her mission, having dedicated the past 20 years to schooling people about the pleasures and health benefits of exquisitely fresh extra virgin olive oil.

I first met Denise, a diminutive dynamo, a decade ago during a visit to a Chilean olive farm where she was the director of exports. She is a self-made woman who parlayed a keen interest in olive oil into a successful career as a global olive oil consultant. Like me, she found her first taste of fresh-pressed extra virgin olive oil to be life-changing—so different from the supermarket oils she was accustomed to. She wasted no time in educating herself, honing her formidable tasting skills by traveling extensively, and building experience in sensory evaluation. Soon, invitations to judge international olive oil competitions began arriving at her home—which she shares with her husband, maintaining fruit trees, an enviable garden, and a small menagerie. Among competitions she judged this past year were the prestigious Olive d’Or competition in Montreal, Canada, as well as a contest in glamorous Monte Carlo.

Thanks to an exceptional harvest, yours truly, Denise, and my Merry Band of Tasters had a stunning palette of fresh-pressed extra virgin olive oils to work with when creating this blend, all wrought by the amazing Pobeña farm and its passionate and talented team.
(Not to mention the well-timed rain in advance of the harvest, courtesy of Mother Nature.) The 2023 Denise Langevin Exclusive Selection features two outstanding early-harvest Arbequinas, each pressed from olive fruit that matured in different microclimates. A bit of Koroneiki adds balance and complexity. I have named our mild blend after Denise in honor of her immense past and present contributions to the Club. Its flavor profile mirrors her gentle demeanor and soft-spoken nature, yet is enticingly bright and vibrant, even a little spicy. Denise is enthralled with the result and named for us her three favorite uses for this elixir: salads, cakes, and ice cream.

I can’t wait to hear how you and your family use this splendid extra virgin olive oil. Denise is so proud to have one named after her that will be enjoyed by discriminating Americans.

Denise Langevin and T. J. Robinson enjoying fresh pressed olive oil in Chile
Denise hosted a sumptuous luncheon at her lovely rural home for my Merry Band of Tasters and me. It was exciting to try the Denise Langevin Exclusive Selection on her delicious food! We drizzled the oil liberally over nearly everything, from salads to seafood. Imagine all the ways you and your family and friends will enjoy this wonderfully fresh oil, the perfect way to complement warm-weather menus.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

The aroma wafting from our tasting glasses leads with fruit, featuring green banana, apple, lettuce, and tomato leaf. Also thyme and hints of citrus zest and vanilla. On the palate, we detected the bitterness of green walnuts, Belgian endive, and baby spinach. Expect a celery leaf and black pepper-like spiciness on the finish, which is surprisingly long for a mild oil.

Suggested food pairings include vanilla ice cream; smoothies; fruit salads; chicken; shellfish, such as lobster, shrimp, or scallops; mild fin fish such as halibut or sole; eggs; mild cheeses like burrata or mozzarella; bread; creamy or cold soups; simple pasta dishes; rice; boiled potatoes; prosciutto-wrapped melon like cantaloupe or honeydew; fresh corn or peas; strawberries with mascarpone or whipped ricotta; and quick breads.

This Quarter’s Second Selection

  • Producer: Duccio Morozzo Signature Selection, Agricola Pobeña, Comuna de La Estrella, O’Higgins Region, Chile 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Frantoio, Coratina, Leccino
  • Flavor Profile: Medium
Duccio Morozzo Signature Selection, Agricola Pobeña, Comuna de La Estrella, O’Higgins Region, Chile 2023 Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Label

Once again, I am indebted to the man with the mellifluous name—Duccio Morozzo della Rocca—who helped me create for you one of the most dazzling fresh-pressed extra virgin olive oils in memory. Custom blended exclusively for our Club, this oil is an eloquent expression of Chilean olives, featuring an enchanting quartet of fruitiness, sweetness, bitterness, and spice.

At the same time, this selection, as Duccio insists, has a “Tuscan soul.” The label fronts a unique blend of olives native to Italy and thriving on the Pobeña farm, namely, Frantoio, Coratina, and Leccino: it’s a beautiful marriage of varietals. There were no “or forever hold your peace” objections—only plenty of enthusiastic toasts—from me and my Merry Band of Tasters to this delightful, almond-forward EVOO.

Longtime Club members are acquainted with master miller Duccio Morozzo, one of the world’s most highly respected olive authorities and in-demand judges of international olive oil competitions. If you are new to the Club, let me introduce you: a 2005 graduate of the Università of Pisa olive oil quality and cultivation program, Duccio quickly established himself as an olive and olive oil consultant. An International Olive Council (IOC) taster and recognized professional, he now travels the world, using his knowledge in nearly every country that is hospitable to olive trees—Japan, Australia, South America, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and other locations. I know no one with a more profound knowledge of olives and olive oil than Duccio.

Master miller Duccio Morozzo and T. J. Robinson in Olive Grove in Chile
Just look at those beautiful jewel-like olives, harvested within what I call the “magic window,” in other words, the perfect moment. They are on their way to the conveniently located mill (it’s in the middle of the olive grove) to be pressed with the Alonso family’s state-of-the-art equipment. Duccio and I take so much pleasure in pooling our knowledge and experience to bring you the freshest, most flavorful extra virgin olive oils in the world today.

I first met this agricultural impresario in 2010 during a farm visit to Central Chile. And what a serendipitous meeting it was! Duccio, I learned, shared my belief that early-harvest oils are the best, deigning to work only with the world’s top producers. He’s like my brother from a different mother.

But it wasn’t just his knowledge that impressed me: I loved his unbridled enthusiasm for the fresh-pressed juice of olives and the joy he brought to the mill and the table. He was so hands-on when we toured olive groves together, leaping out of whatever vehicle we were driving to examine the fruit up close, tasting it to gauge its ripeness and oil content. His valuable post-grad experience with mill manufacturer Alfa Laval cemented the deal. Alfa Laval is the manufacturer of the equipment used at the Alonso mill, one of the finest mills in South America.

A side note: before immersing himself in the study of olive oil, Duccio was a degreed musical composer. Duccio brings a musician’s appreciation of harmony, interplay, and resonance to the creation of an optimal olive oil blend, keenly attuned to any sensorial changes in olive oil. Add a drop of another cultivar to a tasting glass, for example, and he will detect it immediately.

Duccio’s extensive experience with Old World varietals allows him to expertly contrast and compare their Chilean offspring. Yes, the trees share the same DNA with their Old World ancestors, but the transplants have changed and evolved. It’s similar to the way wine grapes are influenced by their terroir. Duccio’s remarkable taste memory, his extensive knowledge of Chilean olive oils, and his blending genius make him an ideal collaborator.

This year, he assured me, we would be working with “near perfect” olive oils that, when blended with simpatico olive oils, would yield an oil greater than the sum of its parts. I was thrilled that Duccio was able to join me and my Merry Band in Chile and was grateful for his help in organizing the Grand Tasting that kicked off this year’s second-quarter odyssey. (Read more about the Grand Tasting below.)

Master miller Duccio Morozzo and T. J. Robinson enjoying olive oil tasting in Chile
Blending is both an art and a science, requiring the nose of a perfumer and a trained and highly sensitive palate, one that’s able to detect minute differences between oils. Here, Duccio adds a small amount of a second oil to the base varietal in the tasting cup in my hand during a blind tasting. (Note the numbered bottles.) We tasted dozens of oils—single varietals as well as the blends we created with them—to bring you extraordinary EVOOs, dear Club member.

In a private conversation with me, Duccio credited the Alonso family’s success—they’ve won dozens of awards—to their New World willingness to adapt and disengage from entrenched Old World ways that don’t always produce the finest olive oils.

This is one of the most delightful Chilean fresh-pressed olive oils I’ve sent to Club members. As Duccio would say, “Buon appetito!”

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings 

Although Chilean, this oil, comprised of Frantoio, Coratina, and Leccino olives, has an Italian pedigree. Almonds, fresh-cut grass, hops, and mint tease the nose, along with green apple, kiwi, baby arugula, black pepper, chopped sage, and a touch of cinnamon. In the mouth, we tasted the complex bitterness of radicchio, dark chocolate, and green almonds. The finish showcases the astringency of green tea and mint as well as the freshness of raw fennel and the pepperiness of nasturtiums and Szechuan peppercorns.

Try this beautiful oil with grilled meats, fish, or vegetables, as the flame-kissed food will benefit from the oil’s well-calibrated bitterness. Perfect with chicory, endive, or Swiss chard; green beans; summer squash; carrots; yams; salads featuring nuts, especially almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts; white beans or bean dips; guacamole; crudités; chocolate desserts; and truffles.

This Quarter’s Third Selection

  • Producer: El Agrónomo, Agricola Pobeña, Comuna de La Estrella, O’Higgins Region, Chile 2023
  • Olive Varieties: Picual, Arbequina, Koroneiki
  • Flavor Profile: Bold
El Agrónomo, Agricola Pobeña, Comuna de La Estrella, O’Higgins Region, Chile 2023 Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Label

Agricola Pobeña is the model for anyone daring enough to attempt to grow olives, and a key reason for its success is the man in charge of all 1,100 acres, Juan Carlos Pérez. I always look forward to reconnecting with Juan Carlos—it’s exciting to work with someone as obsessed as I am with creating the perfect EVOO for you. He knows that great olive oil starts on the tree and is finished in the mill—that all the work done in the field has a direct correlation to the quality of the oil produced. Even the most gifted miller can’t work his magic if the olives themselves aren’t of the highest quality.

As longstanding Club members know, Juan Carlos is one of Chile’s most talented agronomists. That title means he’s trained in all the fields required for optimal cultivation: earth science, ecology, and genetics, plus biology, chemistry, physics, economics, and more. 2023 marks Juan Carlos’ 14th year at Agricola Pobeña—he’s been there practically from day one—and the third consecutive year that your Olive Oil Hunter is presenting you with a blend named in his honor, “El Agrónomo” (The Agronomist).

Juan Carlos and T. J. Robinson in Olive Grove in Chile
Our producers jump through hoops to grow olives that deliver the rich taste and high polyphenols that Club members expect. But the harvesting process is its own labor of love, as I was reminded in the field with Juan Carlos. This battery-powered olive harvesting comb gently coaxes the olives from the branches. Many of Agricola Pobeña’s trees were planted in a traditional style that lets the roots spread out to take in more water. It all adds up to a more eco-friendly way to farm.

For Juan Carlos, growing the finest olives is not merely a job. It’s who he is; it’s in his DNA. Dubbed “The Boss” at Agricola Pobeña (and he is much like Bruce Springsteen in the way he leads an amazing band of talented professionals), he spends his weekends farming his own land—the ultimate busman’s holiday. On an impressive five hectares (more than 13 acres) that have been in his family for over 100 years, he grows olives (of course), grapes, cherries, and peaches as well as walnuts. His recent nut harvest was snapped up by an Indian buyer, but Juan Carlos kept enough for us to sample. They were the best I had ever tasted!

At Agricola Pobeña, Juan Carlos’ meticulous oversight of the groves, which he was instrumental in planning and planting, is in evidence everywhere you look. I loved being able to feast my eyes on and savor so many varieties of olives, not only the Picual, Arbequina, and Koroneiki that so masterfully come together in this quarter’s Bold selection, but also Frantoio, Leccino, Coratina, and more. Only in the New World do Italian, Greek, and Spanish varieties grow alongside each other. Each has its own magic window for harvesting, depending on where and at what elevation it is on the farm—just imagine all the permutations that come along with that!

Each bountiful harvest for Juan Carlos and his team of 80 dedicated workers is rooted, literally, in his dedication to promoting tree health and anticipating solutions for variables beyond their control (yes, you guessed it, the weather). While the aim is always to have enough water for the whole farm—optimally, one million cubic meters, or roughly the equivalent of 400 Olympic swimming pools—you can be smart about it and plan. There’s no way to control Mother Nature, but sometimes you can outfox her. We reminisced about last year, when three frightening nights of frost right before the harvest had threatened to damage the olives (remember that their seasons are the opposite of what we have here in the Northern Hemisphere—as you were enjoying spring and looking toward summer, their fall was coming to a close and, along with it, the worry over a premature gust of winter). “This year, as a country, we started harvesting earlier to avoid the consequences of an early frost,” Juan Carlos told me.

T. J. Robinson Juan Carlos and Sergio
“We need to be a team and need to be in tune,” Juan Carlos said. An invaluable member of that team is Sergio, better known by his nickname, Cachito, which means someone who’s both skilled and willing. This description perfectly fits the 77-year-old, who has no desire to retire. Cachito is in charge of irrigation and, like Juan Carlos, has been with the farm from the beginning.

He and I are of one mind when it comes to Agricola Pobeña’s strategy of picking the olives when they’re relatively green and have a higher concentration of healthful polyphenols as well as more vibrant flavors and aromas—exactly why Club members appreciate them so much. This technique of early harvesting translates to the best tasting and freshest EVOO. The olives’ oil content is much lower at this point in the growing season than it will be later on, so, producers who prioritize quantity over quality are happy to wait, envisioning the green of dollar signs rather than that of premium olive oil.

Last year’s El Agrónomo blend was our Medium selection. This year it is our Bold, with an entirely different flavor profile. With Picual, the Andalusian standout, at its core, it has a decidedly Spanish personality. Though in supporting roles, the Arbequina and the Koroneiki are no wallflowers—you can taste so many distinct and harmonious notes in this blend! This robust oil will tingle your tastebuds.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

My tasters and I were enthusiastic about the abundant tomato leaf we discovered on the nose, as well as Tuscan kale, pear, parsley, basil, and green pepper. Bold, grassy, and herbal on the palate, evoking fresh chopped culinary herbs, artichokes, and wild mint. Bitterness is represented by notes of chicory and dark chocolate. You’ll experience a spicy symphonic finish featuring crushed green peppercorns and watercress.

We recommend splashing this robust oil on a caprese or panzanella salad (very good in vinaigrettes, especially green goddess dressing); bruschetta; pasta or potato salad; broccoli rabe; cabbage; pesto; tuna, salmon, or swordfish; fresh or sun-dried tomatoes; aged cheeses or a charcuterie board; bell peppers or shishito peppers; ratatouille; kale salads; game meats; lamb; duck; chocolate ice cream; or yogurt.

Olive Oil and Health

Olive oil is shown to improve brain health and memory in individuals with mild cognitive impairment

Adapted from an article by Matt Crouch, Auburn University (, March 6, 2023

Extra virgin olive oil may have positive effects on individuals with mild cognitive impairment, according to a recently completed study published in the journal Nutrients. The study’s findings suggest that compounds found in olive oil positively affect brain health and help improve the blood-brain barrier.

In the study, 25 adult participants experiencing mild cognitive impairment consumed 30 ml (about three tablespoons) of olive oil per day for six months. Thirteen of the participants consumed extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and 12 consumed refined olive oil (ROO), as a control group. EVOO is rich in phenols, while ROO has been purified of phenols.

Study participants took several tests before and after consuming olive oil, including MRI scans, cognitive tests, and blood analysis to measure biomarkers related to Alzheimer’s disease.

This study evaluated the blood-brain barrier and its permeability—the degree to which it protects the brain. The blood-brain barrier, a network of blood vessels and tissue made up of closely spaced cells, plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy brain by protecting the brain from exposure to blood-related neurotoxins and in the clearance of brain waste products.

The study also measured levels of beta-amyloid and tau, two proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease. In people with Alzheimer’s disease, levels of beta-amyloid and tau are increased.

The benefits of olive oil consumption were more pronounced in the EVOO group, but participants in the ROO group experienced improvements as well: Both EVOO and ROO improved cognitive function, as determined by the improved clinical dementia rating and other behavioral scores. Additionally, “our findings showed that EVOO and ROO altered two major biomarkers related to Alzheimer’s disease,” said Kaddoumi. “These alterations collectively could have played a role in improving the blood-brain barrier and improving function and memory.”

This study in individuals with mild cognitive impairment is the first to evaluate what happens to the human brain as a result of consuming olive oil.

“These results are exciting because they support the health benefits of olive oil against Alzheimer’s disease,” said Kaddoumi. “Based on the findings of this study and previous preclinical studies… we can conclude that adding olive oil to our diet could maintain a healthy brain and improve memory function.”

Reference: Kaddoumi A, Denney TS, Deshpande G et al. Extra-virgin olive oil enhances the blood-brain barrier function in mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrients. 2023;14(23):5102.

Kudos from Club Members

I can really notice the difference
My husband and I really enjoyed your Cannellini Bean and Gorgonzola Bruschetta recipe last Friday night in front of the TV, with a simple salad also using your fine olive oil….It was delicious and a nice change from our usual pizza night! I can really notice the difference and quality of your oils vs the store-bought ones…so thanks again.
Lois and Bill S.Tampa, FL


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  • Grilled Chicken with Creamy Green Sauce Grilled Chicken with Creamy Green Sauce A wonderful ingredient common in Andean cooking is ají amarillo paste, made from yellow chiles. Happily, it’s readily available online and at Latin American markets—you’ll find yourself reaching for it for many marinades and sauces. If desired, the chicken can be spit-roasted on a rotisserie or roasted in an oven. Ingredients For the chicken and… view recipe
  • Sugar-crusted Grilled Pineapple with Pisco Sugar-crusted Grilled Pineapple with Pisco Though simple, this is a stunning dessert. Serve, if desired, with vanilla ice cream or sweetened whipped cream. Pisco is a South American brandy available in well-stocked liquor stores. Ingredients 1 cup turbinado sugar (also called Sugar in the Raw) 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice 1/4 teaspoon ground… view recipe
  • Chocolate Olive Oil Loaf Chocolate Olive Oil Loaf This cake is delicious as an afternoon treat or with a scoop of coffee or vanilla (or both!) ice cream for dessert. Ingredients 2 cups all-purpose or pastry flour 1/2 cup cocoa powder, sifted to remove lumps 2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon instant espresso powder 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1 cup sugar 2 extra-large… view recipe
  • Red Snapper and Pebre Roasted Red Snapper with Patagonian Pebre Sauce Every Chilean household seems to have its own recipe for pebre, a table sauce that complements everything from eggs to grilled meats and seafood. Originally from the Spanish province of Catalonia, it is especially good when fresh tomatoes are in season. Ingredients 4 red snapper, each about 1 pound, scaled, cleaned, and gutted Extra virgin… view recipe
  • Grilled shrimp salad with corn Corn and Shrimp Salad with Serrano Salsa This recipe uses a simple technique for grilling corn, but you can make the corn on the stovetop in a hot cast iron pan by cutting off the kernels and charring them in 3 tablespoons of olive oil; boil the shrimp if not grilling. Calamari, steamed mussels, or lobster chunks make delicious variations. Ingredients For… view recipe
  • Chilean Ceviche Chilean Ceviche Ceviche (pronounced ceh-BEE-chay) is a popular appetizer in Chile, which boasts over 2,600 miles of Pacific coastline. The name comes from the Quechuan word siwichi, which translates to “tender fish.” Salmon can be substituted for white fish. Ingredients 1 pound sushi-grade boneless, skinless white fish, such as red snapper, halibut, or grouper 1 small red… view recipe

Quarter 1—Spanish Harvest

From the Historic Olive Groves of Andalucía to Your Mesa—a Superlative
Trio of Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Spain!

T.J. Robinson The Olive Oil Hunter
  • Brimming with vibrant flavors and health-promoting antioxidants, these dazzling early-harvest oils have been rushed to you by jet at their peak.
  • All are from award-winning producers and custom-blended by yours truly.
  • All have been independently lab-certified to be 100% extra virgin.
  • All are Club exclusives, available nowhere else.

¡Hola! I am delighted—encantado—to report that I, your trusty Olive Oil Hunter, was able to journey to Spain on your behalf for the first time since 2020. After three years away, it was deeply gratifying and soul-nourishing to collaborate in person with my loyal and talented friends, to savor the incredible Iberian cuisine, and to fulfill the Club’s mission, with my boots on the ground, of sourcing for you the finest, freshest, most healthful extra virgin olive oils on Earth right now.

The World’s Olive Oil Well

I like to say that Spaniards have olive oil coursing through their veins. Spain is the world’s largest olive oil producer, providing almost half the world’s supply in a normal production year. The majority of that olive oil comes from Andalucía—specifically, from the province of Jaén (an area about the size of the state of Connecticut), which by itself usually yields more olive oil than either Italy or Greece.

Yet most Spanish olive oil is a subpar bulk product that I would never allow on my table (except as a paperweight to keep the menu from flying away at an outdoor taberna). Don’t get me wrong—there are also extraordinary ultra-premium olive oils milled in Spain, some of the finest in the world, and that’s why I was longing to return.

T.J. Robinson and Luis Torres in Priego de Córdoba
In the picturesque, historic town of Priego de Córdoba, among white-stucco façades and geranium flowers, I reconnected with dear friend of the Club Luis Torres. The peripatetic Luis is busier than ever, tasting up to 25 oils each morning to evaluate the previous night’s harvest. We shared fond memories of our previous collaborations and brainstormed plans for future ways to work together.

Quality Time

Almost two decades ago, a tiny, core group of quality-focused olive oil producers in Spain turned their sights to producing excellent early-harvest EVOO, emphasizing local varietals, high polyphenol content, and extraordinary flavor. In the intervening years, these pioneers—who represent only about 1 to 2 percent of the producers in Spain—have re-envisioned the possibilities for Spanish olive oil, crafting some of the most celebrated oils in the world as well as creating a high demand for them, locally and internationally.

I began scouting for early-harvest EVOO in Spain in 2005, when I first visited the groves (and castle) of Francisco “Paco” Vaño. (Read more about Paco below.) The network of ultra-premium Spanish producers is tight, and, as new producers distinguish themselves, my friends recommend groves to visit so I can sample their oils. Building these relationships over time is a key aspect of my work as the Olive Oil Hunter, as you never know when the stars will align in a brilliant collaboration.

No Rain in Spain

You may have seen the catastrophic headlines, from Olive Oil Times (“Producers in Andalucía Brace for Second Worst Harvest on Record”) to the New York Times: “The Olive Oil Capital of the World, Parched.” Spain and Portugal endured a record-breaking year of drought, characterized by some scientists as the region’s worst in a thousand years. Eight months without rain meant that only irrigated olive groves had a chance at producing enough fruit for a harvest.

Extreme heat also blasted the Iberian olive crops. In Jaén, temperatures in May hit the mid-90s, which scorched many olive blossoms, causing them to wither—then, the lack of water during the hottest summer on record stunted the development of the remaining fruit.

Spain’s olive harvest this year was down 50 percent nationally, 60 percent in Jaén. Many farmers’ livelihoods were crushed—bulk producers and artisanal growers alike were impacted in devastating ways.

Chef Paco Aguilar, Juan de Dios and T.J. Robinson
Make new friends but keep the old… Longtime relationships in Andalucía helped me secure liquid gold for my Club members, and I also met wonderful new people. Chef Paco Aguilar (center) of Taberna Belmonte, in the city of Granada, prepared an unforgettable feast for me and producer Juan de Dios (left), with each tantalizing dish featuring a different olive oil from Juande’s groves. I have visited his family’s farm since 2015 and am thrilled, at last, to share our spectacular Hojiblanco blend with Club members.

With a Lot of Help from My Friends

To put it in perspective, longtime friend of the Club Filipe Madeira de Albuquerque, in Portugal, brought in only one-tenth of his usual crop. (Experienced Club members will be familiar with the fragrant, delicate oils from the Madeira groves—which, owing to their mountainous location, are not irrigated.) Filipe, a seasoned veteran of the cruel whims of weather and climate, has faith that next year will be better, and we hope to collaborate on a beautiful oil for the Club when Mother Nature permits.

In short, for the producers, this olive growing season was a nightmare. For you, though, my lucky Club member, the trio of oils I’ve selected is incredible, with a wealth of aromas and perfumes as well as health-enhancing polyphenols and other antioxidant compounds. (These are beneficial outcomes of water stress on the trees.)

All three producers—Castillo de Canena, Finca Gálvez, and García-Molina—have appeared multiple times in the Top 20 of Flos Olei, the connoisseur’s guide to the world’s best olive oils. These resourceful, highly skilled master artisans extended themselves with stunning generosity on behalf of our Club, reserving their best oils for us and giving us room to taste and tinker with our blends. Our bold selection features a Club debut by García-Molina, a quality-focused farm I’ve been scouting since 2015. This was their year to shine.

How did I manage to secure three outstanding oils in such a challenging season? One word: friends. I was overjoyed to see my longtime friends, to break bread together, to enjoy meals together. And, dios mío, the food—we shared so many mouth-watering dishes, including the best local shrimp ever, each plate splashed with our harvest-fresh olive oils. The absolute standout was braised Ibérico pork cheeks in a garlic-onion reduction that I cannot stop thinking about. I may return to Spain just to have it again. I wish you could come with me.

Meanwhile, read on for details about these talented and innovative producers, as well as tasting notes, food pairings, and regionally inspired recipes to enhance your enjoyment of these dazzling oils. Savor them with your friends, family, and guests in good health. ¡Salud!

Happy drizzling!

T. J. Robinson 
The Olive Oil Hunter®

This Quarter’s First Selection

  • Producer: Castillo de Canena, Selección Especial, Jaén, Andalucía, Spain
  • Olive Varieties: Arbequina
  • Flavor Profile: Mild

The apocalyptic headlines coming from Southern Europe were alarming: “Drought and Heat Drain Spanish Reservoirs,” said Reuters. “Spain and Portugal Suffering Driest Climate for 1,200 Years,” reported The Guardian.

Prior to my trip to Spain, I sought another update from my friend, Francisco “Paco” Vaño, the cofounder, with his sister, Rosa, of Castillo de Canena, one of the most respected olive mills in the world.

“It has been the hardest and most complicated harvest of my life,” he said. “But don’t worry.” Yields were going to be lower than normal, he explained, but the quality of the fruit was high. Paco assured me he would do whatever he could to accommodate the needs of the Club. True to his word, he gave me access to his finest Arbequinas, a finicky varietal that is in extremely short supply this year.

Named after the Vaño family’s 15th-century castle, an imposing, turreted edifice that overlooks thousands of acres of olive groves and the picturesque village of Canena, this artisanal producer’s early-harvest oils have garnered the world’s most coveted olive oil awards. Though they celebrated their first harvest in 2003, the family has been connected to olive groves for more than two centuries. In 2019, Castillo de Canena was inducted into the prestigious Flos Olei Hall of Fame, one of only eight producers out of hundreds to receive the honor.

Always seeking new ways to grow, the family continues to invest in improvements. For example, they started construction in 2019 on a magnificent state-of-the-art mill, the steel-and-glass embodiment of brainstorming sessions with the entire team. Now fully operational and featuring four separate lines and a temperature-controlled receiving area, the mill dwarfs the structure I toured when I first visited Castillo de Canena in 2005.

Francisco “Paco” Vaño and T.J. Robinson
Paco and I were delighted to toast another successful olive oil collaboration! In our glasses? Cacao Pico, from Spain’s oldest distillery. The company, founded in 1824 in Jerez, distills a cacao-flavored liqueur from cacao beans using alembics (stills) made of copper. Though deceptively clear, the spirit tastes like chocolate and makes a wonderful after- dinner drink. Paco, whose connections in the food and wine world are impressive, arranged a fascinating tour of the distilleria for my Merry Band of Tasters and me.

Naturally, I was eager to learn in person what innovations Paco and his staff had implemented during my absence.

My Merry Band of Tasters and I hit the ground running when we arrived at the mill. We were delighted with the sensational Arbequina blend we developed using the cream of Paco’s crop. Later, we rendezvoused with Paco at Taberna El Pajáro (“tavern of the bird”) in Baeza, a restaurant we’ve visited many times before. Over an uncharacteristically long lunch—three hours—we celebrated another successful collaboration with this incredibly skilled producer. During the meal, Paco affirmed his commitment to quality, which he defines broadly to include acting with purpose and integrity, sharing accumulated knowledge, respecting the community and the environment, and tirelessly promoting biodiversity. Among his many projects is the planned publication of four coffee table–type books featuring the property’s abundant flora and fauna. (In association with the University of Jaén, a stunning volume featuring 117 bird species that inhabit the groves has already been published.)

Conversations in Andalucía usually gravitate to the drought that continues to plague Southern Europe. A summer heatwave exacerbated the problem. Many provinces have restricted water usage as rivers and dammed reservoirs recede. Paco, who maintains his own reservoir but also relies on river water, is encouraged by a government plan to loosen water restrictions in advance of the olive trees’ spring blossom-setting season. Heat also continued to bedevil olive farmers throughout the harvest, Paco said, with temperatures sometimes soaring as high as 104 degrees. Each day, his crews began working before dawn, quitting at noon. Happily, water-deprived olives were blessed with timely rains, which restored their balance and improved their flavor profiles.

One highlight of our trip that was unrelated to olive oil was a surprise visit organized by Paco to a distillery called Cacao Pico. Founded in 1824 in Jerez, it’s known for its unique chocolate-flavored liqueur. (Paco served it to guests at his wedding last year.)

It was such a joy to catch up with Paco, whose many accomplishments as a premium olive oil producer make me so very proud. I treasure our relationship and the benefits it has produced for Club members. Most notably, this superb blend of premium Arbequinas. My wife, Meghan, and I have been enjoying it with a multitude of dishes, splashing it on everything from eggs to ice cream. We’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of fresh asparagus, ramps, and morels—all mood-lifting harbingers of spring.

Duccio Morozzo, Paco Vaño, Meghan Wells, T.J. Robinson, Álvaro Pulido Garrido and Concepción Martínez Sánchez.
The ancient town of Baeza is a UNESCO World Heritage site, the home of Spain’s best-preserved examples of 16th-century Italianate Renaissance architecture. Following a sumptuous lunch, we gathered in the town square for a group photo. From left are international olive expert Duccio Morozzo, Paco Vaño, my wife, Meghan, myself, and members of Paco’s amazing team, Álvaro Pulido Garrido and Concepción Martínez Sánchez.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

This exquisite and aromatic Arbequina makes a lovely first impression. It is grassy on the nose with hints of green banana, golden apple, kiwi, celery, vanilla, mint, and basil, punctuated by Belgian endive and white pepper. Elegant in the mouth, echoing the grassiness and green banana along with the bitterness of endive, the warmth of cinnamon, and a walnut-like nuttiness. Expect a long, mild, peppery finish.

From your mid-morning smoothie to a late-night snack of ice cream, this versatile oil will enhance many foods, particularly those with an intrinsic sweetness. These include carrots, asparagus, beets, sweet potatoes, squash, and peas; salads featuring fruit and/or nuts; creamy soups; lobster, shrimp, scallops, and mild fin fish; chicken; bread; rice; scrambled eggs; yogurt; quick breads; and fruit-based desserts.

This Quarter’s Second Selection

  • Producer: Finca Gálvez, Jaén, Andalucía, Spain
  • Olive Varieties: Picual
  • Flavor Profile: Medium

When my Merry Band of Tasters and I arrived at Finca Gálvez, the dramatic stone-and-brick façade of their state-of-the-art mill was a welcome sight after my three-year absence. Of course, the real delight was seeing the Brothers Gálvez, José and Andrés, catching up on their news, and sharing memorable meals at our favorite local restaurants.

Longstanding Club members know that my relationship with the Gálvez family dates back to the early ’00s. It began just a few years after José and Andrés’s father made the decision to change the family’s livelihood from masonry—the area’s red clay is responsible for those vibrant bricks fronting the mill—to creating the finest extra virgin olive oil. He correctly predicted that there would be a surge in demand for ultra-premium quality oils.

In truth, I’m not sure José and Andrés would ever have been as passionate about bricks as they are about their groves and oils. Over two decades, they’ve amassed dozens of awards, including coveted gold medals in the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), Olive Japan, and the London International Olive Oil Competition. And they’ve been named among the top 20 oils in the world numerous times by Flos Olei, the global guide to the finest EVOO, including in 2022 and 2023. But they’re certainly not resting on their laurels. They’ve expanded their mission to include sharing their knowledge of olive oil to make the public better-informed consumers, making them more aware of the different varietals of olives, how to enjoy each one, and how to appreciate olive oil as a true fruit juice with amazing health benefits—a mission that Club members know I share.

And that explains the renovations we saw underway on our way to the groves: their main office will move to the new building so that their current one can become a dedicated visitor center for classes and tastings, complete with a kitchen for cooking demonstrations. “When you visit a wine cellar, you taste the wine not only on its own but also paired with cheese and other foods,” said José. “Our visitors want that kind of sophisticated, elevated experience, not a run-of-the-mill tourist stop.”

Duccio Morozzo (right), José Gálvez (standing), T.J. Robinson and José Antonio Nieto
Tasting Picuals with Duccio Morozzo (right), José Gálvez (standing), and José Antonio Nieto was a double reunion. We’ve known José Antonio, formerly director of the Subbética co-op, for nearly 20 years! Now he’s bringing his skills to Finca Gálvez to take their oils to yet another level. Next, we were off to Restaurante Payber for a seafood feast—ensalada mixta (see recipe below), lightly fried white anchovies and ethereal shrimp, steamed tiny clams, and decadent French fries, all prepared with the local olive oil, which is so important to Spanish cuisine.

Another thing I admire about the team at Finca Gálvez is that they’re always guided by the groves—the highest-quality oil is what gets bottled, no matter the quantity. That means their annual yield can vary based on growing conditions, and this season gave them their greatest challenge yet. When I look back at my past quests for EVOO in Spain, there have certainly been many tricks played by Mother Nature—she doesn’t always make it easy for us to receive her gift of liquid gold! Last year, producers were stymied by a lengthy drought and blistering hot temperatures during the growing season. Yet, somehow, this year was even more challenging. Many areas had no rain for eight months, a refrain we’d heard since we arrived in the country.

Those without the kind of sophisticated irrigation system that Finca Gálvez has didn’t stand a chance. Even with one, production was lower, and everyone was scrambling to meet demand. A low volume of olives means that grocery stores will be flooded with a lot of inferior oils three times the usual price and, worse still, often passed off as EVOO.

I never commit to a producer before an olive oil is in my tasting cup, but any worries melted away soon after my Merry Band of Tasters and I sat down in the tasting room. Ten Picual samples were presented to us, each tantalizingly distinctive—with 5,000 acres in the Guadalquivir River Valley, the Finca Gálvez groves represent many different terroirs. José and Andrés had set aside much of their top premium oil for our Club.

In past years, a Picual from Finca Gálvez has been our bold selection; however, as we narrowed the delicious array of tasting cups from 10 to four, we knew we had the makings of a well-rounded, harmonic blend that would be perfect for the medium profile. Coincidentally, it was a medium Picual that had captured a Best in Class for Finca Gálvez at the NYIOOC just a few years ago! The Gálvez brothers opened their cellar door to us and let us play in their house so that you, dear Club member, can savor this very special oil. The final result showed once again just how skilled they are—they navigated all the curveballs of the season to hit a home run.

Andrés Gálvez and T.J. Robinson
Andrés Gálvez explained that last spring’s blossoms were promising, but on nearby farms without irrigation, trees started dropping their olives when excessive heat came. By knowing how to manage every last drop of water, Finca Gálvez was spared. Still, they follow the mantra “fresh picked, fresh pressed” to get their olives to the mill as quickly as possible during harvest.

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings 

This Picual is an Andalucían beauty. Complex and herbaceous on the nose. My tasters and I detected tomato leaf, basil, rosemary, oregano, fresh-cut grass, arugula, hazelnut, black pepper, and eucalyptus. Even more beguiling on the palate, evoking green tomato, spinach, and the bitterness of rosemary, escarole, green tea, and cocoa nibs with the spiciness of celery leaves. The finish goes on and on.

I urge you to play up this oil’s best qualities by coupling it with tomato-based dishes such as bruschetta, caponata, pasta, or pizza. Pair with aged hard cheeses; charcuterie boards; grilled meats (pork or lamb); grilled fish (tuna, salmon, or swordfish); white beans; mixed green salads; potatoes; broccoli, cauliflower, or brussels sprouts; and fried eggs.

This Quarter’s Third Selection

  • Producer: García-Molina, Ácula, Granada, Andalucía, Spain
  • Olive Varieties: Hojiblanca, Arbequina, Picual
  • Flavor Profile: Bold

It’s a funny thing about hunches—sometimes you have to wait to act even though you’re excited about forging ahead. That pretty much sums up the interest I’ve had in this innovative producer since I first met Juan de Dios, known as Juande, and his sister, Paula. I recognized great promise in these dynamic siblings years ago. But who would have imagined that the right moment to make them the newest artisanal producer to supply amazing extra virgin olive oil to Club members was during one of the most challenging Spanish harvests in 20 years?

This passion project started with their father, also named Juan de Dios. As children, the siblings accompanied their dad to family-owned olive groves in Jaén, an easy drive from their home in Málaga. They even spent school holidays pruning olive trees! Later, just as they started to follow in their father’s academic footsteps, earning degrees in pharmacology, Papa indulged his lifelong dream of buying an olive mill! It was mostly a hobby at first, one that produced olive oils for friends and family and the bulk market. But Juande and Paula saw the potential to elevate the oils and approached their father with a bold plan: press premium olive oils and introduce them internationally to a very select group of chefs who wanted only the finest ingredients in their kitchens. They asked for four years to prove themselves.

“It was really hard,” Juande admits. Even though they were traveling nearly 20 days a month, they sold nothing for the first year. When they made their first sale, it was because the buyer “felt sorry for them.” But it was a start! The turning point came in 2016 when a German publication, Stiftung Warentest (similar to our Consumer Reports), tested 26 olive oils. Only one—guess which one—was given a high rating. And just like that, their mill was off and running.

Juan de Dios, Paula de Dios and T.J. Robinson
Juan de Dios (portrait) passed his love of olive trees on to his children, Paula (center) and Juande (right), both of whom are also pharmacists. Though he passed away in 2014, he is remembered fondly by family, friends, and patrons of his pharmacy. “He had great karma,” noted his son. The siblings invoked his name so often during my visit, I almost felt as if I, too, had known him.

The elder Juande did not live to see this milestone—he passed away in 2014, just 10 years after buying the grove—but the family honors him at every harvest, gathering around an olive tree they planted in his name and celebrating his life, his incredible energy, and his passion for olive oil. Juande’s five young grandchildren endearingly call him Abuelo Olivo (Grandpa Olive), and his legacy continues to inspire the family.

I was equally impressed by how seriously Juande follows the well-documented impact of EVOO on dementia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and more, and how he continues to use his pharmacology background as an asset. He even sells his own fresh-pressed olive oil in the pharmacy he owns. The family’s grounding in a scientific field, I believe, has led them to be very methodical when problem-solving in the groves and in the mill.

The siblings’ olive oils, under the name O-Med, have received many prestigious awards in Spain and abroad, including a gold medal at the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), multiple “Top 20” inclusions in Flos Olei (Italy’s premier guide to the world’s olive oils), Olive Japan, and the Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition.

During our visit, one of our most memorable meals was at Luciano’s, the local restaurant that provided sustenance during those early, difficult days: Juande ate there so often that the proprietors gave him room and board when he was putting in 20-hour days at the mill, even making him dinner regardless of the hour. It was a kindness he has never forgotten. So, it was especially meaningful for me to enjoy a meal there with him. (I am determined to get the recipe for their delectable pork rib stew, so comforting on a chilly day.) Juande also treated my Merry Band of Tasters and me to a magnificent meal at Taberna
Belmonte in Granada, where the chef, Paco Aguilar, showcases O-Med oils. He, too, is close to the family, and even traveled with them to Japan to exchange skills with foreign chefs.

Hojiblanca anchors this exquisite blend, exclusive to us. It is a hardy cultivar, enhanced by Arbequina and Picual. To honor Juande and Paula’s father and his lifelong dream, we have created a special label, García-Molina, invoking their ancestral family name. Juande and Paula know their father would be proud that the family’s oil will be enjoyed by the discriminating palates of Club members. I’m proud, too! To quote the famous line at the end of the Hollywood classic Casablanca, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Juan de Dios and T.J. Robinson
When he was a child, Juande’s father (also named Juan de Dios) often drove Juande and his sister, Paula, to the family’s olive groves in Jaén. But the purchase in Granada of a high elevation olive mill in the Sierra Nevadas in 2004 was the realization of a lifelong dream for the elder Juande. (Olive trees thrive where differentials exist between daytime and nighttime temperatures. The mill is near Mount Mulhacen, one of the highest peaks in Spain.)

Impressions and Recommended Food Pairings

Bold and beautiful, this blend of Hojiblanco, Picual, and Arbequina is intoxicating in the tasting glass. Black Tuscan kale came to mind, followed by wheatgrass, watercress, celery, and fresh thyme. A pear-like fruitiness complements the nuttiness of walnut and the freshness of lime zest. Weightier
in the mouth and more viscous than the mild and medium oils, this bold oil is incredibly harmonic. It’s a masterful symphony of flavors—tomato leaf, artichoke, parsley, and walnut. Bitterness is represented by microgreens and spiciness by nasturtium and green peppercorns. Savor the languorous finish.

Reach for this assertive oil when you compose salads of bitter greens with nuts and aged cheeses; grilled beefsteak or game meats; oilier fish, such as mackerel, bluefish, or sardines; hummus; shakshuka; bean or vegetable soups; and desserts featuring dark chocolate.

Olive Oil and Health

Olive oil is beneficial for maternal-fetal health

Adapted from Cortez-Ribiero et al (2022) and an article by Liji Thomas, MD, in News Medical, January 3, 2023

Numerous studies have shown that olive oil can have positive effects on pregnancy.
A recent systematic review published in the journal Nutrition Research is the first to summarize the evidence for the protective effects of EVOO consumption on maternal-fetal health.


Nutrition plays a vital role in the health of a pregnant woman and the outcome of her pregnancy. Olive oil is a healthy source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and phytochemicals such as polyphenols that promote favorable outcomes in pregnancy. In addition, olive oil is linked to lower rates of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), preeclampsia (a sudden, dangerous rise in blood pressure), and small-for-gestational-age (SGA) or large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants.

A systematic review included nine studies from Europe, the UK, and Argentina, conducted between 2008 and 2020. Study sizes ranged from 30 to 35,000 women.

  • Six studies were interventional, including five randomized controlled trials, and three were observational (case-control or cohort studies).
  • Maternal-fetal outcomes evaluated included SGA, LGA, GDM, premature birth, preeclampsia, and cardiovascular risk.
  • The intervenional studies evaluated the effects of EVOO, while the observational studies did not specify the grade of olive oil.

What did this study show?

  • EVOO in particular, and olive oil in general, is associated with a reduction in the risk of maternal and fetal adverse effects, including GDM, SGA, LGA, prematurity, and preeclampsia.
  • EVOO supplementation was associated with favorable cardiovascular effects in pregnancy, including a decrease in triglyceride levels.

What are the implications?

  • SGA increases the risk of poor fetal outcomes, while LGA increases the risk of birth complications. Both SGA and LGA were reduced in association with EVOO intake.
  • Both GDM and prematurity were reduced in one or more of the interventional studies. The anti-diabetic effects of EVOO may be attributed to the activity of polyphenols, which can improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Two studies evaluated the risk of preeclampsia: increased EVOO consumption reduced the risk in one study; the other did not find a reduced risk of preeclampsia but reported a reduction in gestational weight gain, a risk factor for preeclampsia.

This systematic review is an important, first-of-its-kind summary of the evidence that EVOO can confer protective effects on pregnancy outcomes. More studies focusing on the impact of olive oil consumption on maternal-fetal outcomes are needed.

Reference: Cortez-Ribeiro, AC et al. Olive oil consumption confers protective effects on maternal-fetal outcomes: a systematic review of the evidence. Nutr Res. 2022;110:87-95.

Kudos from Club Members

I can really notice the difference
My husband and I really enjoyed your Cannellini Bean and Gorgonzola Bruschetta recipe last Friday night in front of the TV, with a simple salad also using your fine olive oil….It was delicious and a nice change from our usual pizza night! I can really notice the difference and quality of your oils vs the store-bought ones…so thanks again.
Lois and Bill S.Tampa, FL


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  • Pisto Manchego Pisto Manchego The cuisine of the Iberian peninsula was heavily influenced throughout history by its many conquerors. This dish, a popular one throughout Spain, was no doubt introduced to the country by the Moors. The key to its texture and flavors is to cook each vegetable slowly and individually. Your patience will be well rewarded! Ingredients For… view recipe
  • Olive Oil Lemon Tart Lemon and Olive Oil Tart Extra virgin olive oil is featured twice in this lovely lemon tart—in the crust and the filling. But if you’re short on time (or don’t own a tart pan), pour the lemony filling into a prepared graham cracker crust before baking. Ingredients For the crust: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 5 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon… view recipe
  • Marinated Pork Loin in Adobo Marinated Pork Loin in Adobo (Lomo de Cerdo en Adobo) The Spanish noun adobo means “marinade.” On the Iberian peninsula, where it has prehistoric origins, adobo refers to a flavorful marinade consisting of vinegar, olive oil, aromatics, and spices. Don’t be intimidated by the long marinating time of this dish. Do, however, use a nonreactive container such as a glass baking dish or large bowl.… view recipe
  • Spanish Steak with Sherry Vinegar Steak Sauce Spanish Steak with Sherry Vinegar Steak Sauce (Chuleton) Spain has a vibrant steak culture, a surprise to tourists with tapas and paella on their minds. Rib steak, known as chuleton (“large steak”), appears on many restaurant menus and is typically cooked over a live fire. The rub and piquant steak sauce are very versatile and pair well with pork, chicken, or shrimp. (Find… view recipe
  • Olive Oil Ice cream with Chocolate Sauce Olive Oil Ice Cream Your ice cream freezer is likely an appliance you don’t use every day (or even every year). But this delectable recipe provides the incentive to retrieve if from wherever it’s stored. If you don’t have fudge sauce on hand, the ice cream is also wonderful when drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Top, if desired,… view recipe
  • Mango Gazpacho Mango Gazpacho Here’s a refreshing riff on classic gazpacho—perfect for a weekend brunch or as a prelude to lunch or a light supper. I like to serve it in small straight-sided Spanish sherry glasses called chatos. Ingredients 3 mangoes, pitted, peeled, and coarsely chopped 2 cups fresh orange juice 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice 3 tablespoons extra… view recipe
  • Olive Oil Fudge Sauce Olive Oil Fudge Sauce Delicious over homemade olive oil ice cream or premium store-bought vanilla, this decadently rich sauce forms a soft chocolate shell as soon as you spoon it on the cold ice cream. Ingredients 1/2 cup heavy cream 6 ounces chopped bittersweet chocolate 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Directions Step 1 In a small heavy-bottomed saucepan,… view recipe
  • Spinach and Chickpeas Spinach and Chickpeas (Espinacas con Garbanzos) Especially popular in the Andalucían city of Seville, this dish can be served as a tapa, a light meal, or a satisfying side dish. Bagged baby spinach is usually sold washed. If your spinach is garden-fresh, rinse it well and drain itbefore adding to the chickpeas. Ingredients 1 cup jarred or canned chickpeas, drained 2… view recipe