Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club

The Olive Oil Hunter News #122

Chicken Piccata Recipe, Spotlight on Capers and Cutlets, Ward Off Prostate Cancer with Fruits and Veggies, Plus the Health Benefits of Physical Fitness As the weather gets warmer, farmers markets—and maybe even your own garden—will soon be brimming with fresh fruits and vegetables. That’s especially welcome news after the release of research on the protective […]

Pisto Manchego

The cuisine of the Iberian peninsula was heavily influenced throughout history by its many conquerors. This dish, a popular one throughout Spain, was no doubt introduced to the country by the Moors. The key to its texture and flavors is to cook each vegetable slowly and individually. Your patience will be well rewarded! Ingredients For […]

Spanish Mixed Green Salad (Ensalata Mixta)

A large platter of greens studded with vegetables is a popular entrante (starter) in Spanish homes or restaurants. Depending on what you add to it (avocados, asparagus, corn kernels, etc.), it can be the meal itself. Feel free to customize it according to what you have on hand. Ingredients Directions Step 1 Tear the lettuce […]

The Olive Oil Hunter News #114

Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe, Spotlight on Wild Rice and Squash, Benefits of Hydration and Time-Restricted Eating I like to pack as much flavor into my veggie-based dishes as those I make with meat. And this edition of The Olive Oil Hunter Newsletter has the perfect example of what I mean—wild rice-stuffed acorn squash that’s both […]