Honored since the days of the Bible as both a food and a medicine, olive oil was so revered that it became a symbol of prosperity, joy, and health. Kings were anointed with olive oil as a sign that they were chosen by God to rule.
Other ancients revered olive oil as well. Homer called it “liquid gold.” Hippocrates, the father of medicine, hailed it as “the great healer.”
Fast-forward to today, and scientific studies are proving the ancients were right. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has been proclaimed a true superfood by Harvard Medical School, praised by the Mayo Clinic, lauded by the Yale School of Public Health, and recommended by scores of leading MDs for its numerous health benefits.
EVOO is all the rage for those on the Paleo, keto, and Atkins diets because it’s a delicious, zero-carb food that makes almost any meal more flavorful and deeply satisfying.
Scientific studies have confirmed that extra virgin olive oil lowers bad cholesterol and cuts your risk of heart disease and stroke. It may help protect against cancer, especially cancer of the breast, prostrate, and colon. It can be a godsend for arthritis sufferers because it can reduce inflammation and ease joint pain without side effects.
According to the New York Times best-selling book Genius Foods, extra virgin olive oil “has been shown in large, long-term trials to protect the brain against decline and even improve cognitive function.” As reported in USA Today, “Temple University research shows extra virgin olive oil protects against memory loss, preserves the ability to learn and reduces conditions associated with Alzheimer’s disease.”
Extra virgin olive oil also lowers blood pressure and reduces your risk of diabetes. If you want to avoid osteoporosis, olive oil is outstanding because it enables the calcium in your food to be better absorbed into your bones. Extra virgin olive oil is also loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols that help regulate your immune system, protect your body against disease, give you more energy, balance your hormones, improve your skin, and lower inflammation throughout your body.
Extra virgin olive oil also has a unique ability to suppress your hunger hormones and leave you feeling content and satisfied for much longer, so you wind up eating less.
As reported in Science Daily, research at the University of Vienna has shown that among all foods tested, “Olive oil had the biggest satiety effect.” This is why Prevention magazine has hailed EVOO as “The #1 food to feel full.”
To prove this to yourself, try this simple trick. About a half hour before any meal, swallow a tablespoon of EVOO. You’ll be surprised at how it reduces your hunger by mealtime. And that gives you a huge advantage in being able to eat less yet feel totally satisfied. Try this and you’ll see!
And here’s another surprising benefit of EVOO.
Here’s why. Most olive oil is shipped to the US on slow-moving cargo ships. Then it languishes in warehouses and on store shelves for many months. As a result, olive oils in stores are often technically within their “best if used by” date but months beyond their window of peak freshness, flavor and nutritional potency.
Because of these and other factors that cause staleness and rancidity, a study from the University of California, Davis, found that 69% of imported olive oils labeled “extra virgin” sold in stores were so substandard, in no way could they qualify to be classified as “extra virgin olive oil,” the highest grade.
When you shop for olive oil, forget the “best used by” date on the label. It tells you nothing about how recently the olive oil was pressed. You need to find EVOO with a pressing date (also known as the “harvest date”) on the label, preferably a date no more than six months before your date of purchase.
Unfortunately, the producers of mediocre, mass-market olive oils sold in stores do not put pressing dates on the label because they don’t want you to know how old, stale, or rancid their oils may be. If fact, you can verify this by checking the bottle in your own pantry right now. If you bought it in a store, the odds are overwhelming that the pressing date was intentionally omitted from the label. This is no coincidence, and it’s no way to buy your EVOO, not when freshness is the most critical factor in olive oil flavor and nutritional goodness.
I recommend buying online, directly from award-winning farms, where you can secure outrageously delicious olive oils fresh from the latest harvest. That’s when olive oil is bursting with just-plucked-from-the-tree flavor and goodness. Try just one bottle of fresh-pressed olive oil from a good online company, and you’ll likely never go back to store-bought oils. Your first taste will be a revelation of how delicious EVOO is when it’s fresh from the harvest.
Below, I’ll tell you how you can try one of the world’s finest harvest-fresh EVOOs for free as part of a special marketing promotion (all you have to pay is $1 to help cover shipping, and there’s no obligation to buy anything now or ever). It’s an excellent opportunity to discover how EVOO is meant to taste at its peak of freshness and flavor.
As you’ve probably heard, fake Mafia-made olive oils have been flooding U.S. supermarkets. If you’ve missed this frightening story, here are just a few quotes from articles you can read online.
NBC News has reported that “fake olive oil is rampant.” The Wall Street Journal adds, “American grocery stores are awash in cheap, fake ‘extra virgins.’” In an explosive exposé, 60 Minutes has cautioned that you face a “sea of fakes” when you shop for olive oil in stores.
Because America is the world’s largest consumer market, the crooks have successfully targeted U.S. supermarkets as their favorite dumping ground.
In his New York Times best-selling book, Extra Virginity, olive oil expert Tom Mueller warns of contaminants and even cancer-causing agents in fake olive oils. He writes:
“Italian investigators have found hydrocarbon residues, pesticides, and other contaminants in fake oils, and pomace oil, a common adulterant, sometimes contains mineral oil as well as PAHs, proven carcinogens that can also damage DNA and the immune system. Then there’s the 1981 case of toxic oil syndrome in Spain, when rapeseed oil adulterated with an industrial additive, sold as olive oil, killed eight hundred people and seriously injured thousands more.”
This is why you never want to feed your family counterfeit olive oils cooked up by criminals who couldn’t care less about your family’s health.
You can find superb, award-winning olive oils by doing your homework online. Located around the world are quite a few dedicated artisanal producers who bypass the Mafia’s counterfeiting factories and instead offer their award-winning harvest-fresh olive oils directly to consumers.
However, if you’d just as soon save yourself the time and hassle of researching dozens of online olive oil producers, sometimes having to decipher websites in foreign languages and arranging your own international shipping, I invite you to join me and a group of passionate olive oil lovers on a culinary adventure of a lifetime. We’ve set up a society dedicated to enjoying the purest, freshest, and most delicious olive oils from around the world. We also share our impressions of each oil as well as recipes and lots more.
Let me tell you our story and how we welcome new members.
As a food writer and a former professional chef, I’ve been a passionate olive oil lover for most of my life. Several years ago, while on a writing assignment in Sicily during the olive harvest, I tasted authentic harvest-fresh olive oil for the first time. It was an epiphany, a life-changing experience. I had no idea how divine EVOO tastes when the olives are pressed immediately after being plucked from the tree at harvest time.
I decided to share this discovery with my fellow chefs and foodie friends. I started a small, private society for olive oil lovers like me who want to experience the world’s finest artisanal olive oils direct from artisanal family farms at harvest time. Such ultra-fresh olive oil is bursting with flavor and nutritional potency that’s impossible to find in supermarket olive oils.
The club I started is called the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and what a wonderful job I’ve given myself. Every three months, I vagabond around the world, visiting the latest harvests in various countries to select the purest, most delicious olive oils from the world’s top gold-medal winning small farms. I personally inspect, taste, select, and bottle the finest oils available from each new harvest. Then I rush my newfound oils to my club members in America.
But before I commit to any olive oil, I have it independently certified to be 100% pure extra virgin. This means you’ll never again have to worry about serving your family or guests olive oil that’s fake, stale, counterfeit, or diluted with cheap, potentially harmful ingredients.
If you’re even mildly curious about joining us and discovering how glorious EVOO tastes at the peak of harvest-fresh flavor, I’d like to send you a special gift to introduce you to my club. It’s a $39 bottle of my finest EVOO, just in from the new harvest and brimming with more vibrant flavor than any supermarket olive oil you’ll ever taste.
And I don’t ask you to take my word for that promise. All I ask is for the chance to prove it to you with a free $39 bottle if you’ll be willing to pay just $1 to help me cover the cost of shipping.
That’s how I invite people to join my unique and exclusive olive oil club—by first sending them a free $39 bottle of my finest fresh-pressed EVOO—direct from the new harvest—for just a $1 shipping charge. This way you can taste first and then decide. There’s no commitment or obligation whatsoever on your part to buy anything, now or ever.
As soon as you receive your free bottle, open the cap and inhale the oil’s harvest-fresh bouquet. You’ll instantly notice the air around you fill with a farm-fresh fragrance, as if you’ve opened a garden in a bottle. Then realize that this vibrant, grassy aroma, akin to new-mown hay, results from nothing more than 100% pure extra virgin olive oil straight from the harvest—not a single ingredient added!
Next, for a truly stunning revelation, compare your newly arrived farm-fresh EVOO to the olive oil sitting in your kitchen pantry. Perform a simple taste test with each, and you’ll immediately realize what bountiful fresh flavor and aroma you’ve been missing in all your dishes, all these years.
With your free $39 bottle, over the next month you’ll anticipate such enhanced dining pleasure every day as you drizzle this divine harvest-fresh olive oil on your crisp salads, delicate fish, grilled steaks, fresh veggies, luscious pastas, or simply on a hunk of warm, crusty bread or piece of tangy cheese. As one club member, Jennifer of Newport, Rhode Island, said of her first experience with our harvest-fresh olive oil: “I have died and gone to Italy!!!”
Obviously, our club couldn’t sustain itself very long giving away $39 bottles of EVOO—unless the vast majority of those who accept these gift bottles come back for more. And that’s exactly what I expect will happen with you. But you will be the judge.
If you’d like to try our unique club and receive one of our harvest-fresh $39 bottles for just $1 shipping, I suggest that you act now. In contrast with supermarkets, we always have very limited inventory because we work exclusively with small family farms.
The publicity this oil is getting is quite something. Foodies, celebrity chefs, and food writers are raving as well. For example, Larry Olmsted, the award-winning food and travel journalist, recently wrote this in his New York Times best-selling book, Real Food/Fake Food.
“I now get most of my oil from T.J. Robinson’s Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and every time I open a bottle, my kitchen literally fills up with the smell of fresh crushed olives—the scent explodes out of the bottle. Just breaking the seal transports me to Italy or Spain or Chile.”
When you click on the link below, you’ll see similar comments from many other olive oil lovers as well.
P.S. At this link, I also include a short article, “The Best Ways to Store Your Olive Oil.” It’s a must-read for anyone who uses olive oil.
P.P.S. And here’s an endorsement I cherish from Dr. Z and Mama Z:
“If you are interested in this offer, please have no worries. You really will receive a free bottle of one of the world’s finest olive oils (normally $39) for just a $1 charge to help cover shipping. Then you can decide for yourself. If you want to continue in the club, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine too. Simply cancel and that’s it. And just for giving the club a try and paying $1 to help cover shipping, you get to keep the free $39 bottle of premium harvest-fresh olive oil.
“You should also know that T.J. Robinson and his team are good folks, highly respected throughout the olive oil world. They honor their word and offer a truly outstanding product. We personally love the club's olive oils, which is why we recommend them so highly. As you will discover, supermarket olive oils cannot compare to these oils, delivered to you direct from award-winning farms and brimming with harvest-fresh flavor."
—Dr. Z and Mama Z